Satoshi's repositories
Simple yet powerful authorization / authentication client library for Python web applications.
I created this code during the Spring of 2016 when I was working as a reader for Applied Linear Algebra (MAT167 at UC Davis.) When the UC Davis' learning management system went down for the last 3 weeks of the quarter, I had trouble returning the graded electronic submissions to each student. This was a task that was relatively simple using UC Davis' learning management system---Smartsite. I decided to take it upon myself to help my professor by writing a Python program to email back each individual their graded assignments back. This required me to understand how to create emails in Python, attach specific files to the email then, of course, send them without using a web browser or any GUI.
Solution Code to Full Stack Foundations (ud088)
Udacity Python OOP Final Project
Udacity Project
Starter Code for Auth&Auth course
Project Eulers Archive
Quiz Generator I wrote to produce unique quizzes for every student taking MAT16A during the Summer of 2015.
Starter Code