iwakoscott / jrnl

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kakeibo Method

4 Key Questions

  1. How much money do you have available?
  2. How much do you want to save?
  3. How much money are you spending?
  4. How can you improve?

4 Categories

  1. Needs - things you cannot live without - food, toiletries etc.
  2. Wants - things you can live without.
  3. Cultural - education, museum vists, books, music, etc.
  4. Extra - expenses you can't plan for during your yearly review.


Source Amount
Work $3064.75

Fixed payments per month

Source Amount
Rent + Water + Trash + Sewage $1200.00
Internet $40.00
Energy $15.00
Student Loans $226.91
--- ---
Total: $1481.91

Disposable Income

Income Fixed Payments Disposable Income
$3064.75 $1481.91 $1,582.84
