ivonlee / VeryNginx

A very powerful and friendly nginx base on lua-nginx-module( openresty ) which provide custom waf , action and analyzing. 功能强大并且拥有对人类友好界面的Nginx, 提供防火墙,自定义行为和统计功能

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


VeryNginx is a very powerful and friendly nginx




  • 每秒请求数
  • 响应时间
  • 网络流量
  • 网络连接数


###请求过滤 VeryNginx可以基于按照以下信息对请求进行过滤:

  • IP
  • UserAgent
  • 请求路径(URI)
  • 请求参数






  • 总请求次数
  • 各状态码次数
  • 返回总字节数
  • 每请求平均字节数
  • 总响应时间
  • 平均响应时间




安装 Nginx / OpenResty

VeryNginx基于OpenResty1, 所以你需要先安装它

wget https://openresty.org/download/ngx_openresty-
tar -xvzf ngx_openresty-
cd ngx_openresty-
sudo su
./configure --prefix=/opt/VeryNginx --user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-luajit
gmake install



部署 VeryNginx

克隆 VeryNginx 仓库到本地, 复制 nginx.conf 和 VeryNginx 文件夹到Nginx的工作目录.

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/alexazhou/VeryNginx.git
rm -f /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp ~/VeryNginx/nginx.conf /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp -r ~/VeryNginx/VeryNginx /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx
# 下面是使 /opt/VeryNginx 对 nginx 是可写的, 这样 VeryNginx 可以把自己的配置保存在里面
# 修改/opt/VeryNginx目录的所有者为nginx用户
chown -R nginx:nginx /opt/VeryNginx

编辑 Nginx 配置文件

VeryNginx项目提供了一个配置模版 /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/nginx.conf.你需要把自己站点的 Nginx 配置加到这个模版里面。 但是记得不要修改配置 VeryNginx 的那部分代码( 除非你知道自己在干啥 😈 ).


#-----------------VeryNginx config code------------------
lua_package_path '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.lua;;/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/module/?.lua;;';
lua_package_cpath '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.so;;';
lua_code_cache on;

lua_shared_dict status 1m;
lua_shared_dict summary_long 10m;
lua_shared_dict summary_short 10m;

init_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_init.lua;
rewrite_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_rewrite.lua;
access_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_access.lua;
log_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_log.lua;
#---------------VeryNginx config code end-----------------

如果不使用VeryNginx提供的配置模版,你也可以手动把这部分加入到自己的Nginx配置文件中. (如果安装路径不是/opt/VeryNginx,需要对lua_package_cpath和lua_package_path的值进行修改)

##启动服务 /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx

##停止服务 /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop

##对 VeryNginx 进行配置 打开浏览器访问

默认用户名和密码是 verynginx / verynginx.

登录之后就可以查看状态,并对配置进行修改了。修改配置后,记得到 "配置>系统>全部配置" 去保存.


  • 通过VeryNginx控制面板保存新配置之后,会立刻生效,并不需要restart/reload Nginx.

  • VeryNginx把配置保存在 /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/config.json里面.

  • 如果因为配错了什么选项,导致无法登录了,可以手动删除 config.json 来清空配置.



Install Nginx / OpenResty

VeryNginx is based on OpenResty, so you need to install that first.

wget https://openresty.org/download/ngx_openresty-
tar -xvzf ngx_openresty-
cd ngx_openresty-
sudo su
./configure --prefix=/opt/VeryNginx --user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-luajit
gmake install

VeryNginx makes use of only the following modules in OpenResty.

If you don't want to install OpenResty, or you already have a working installation of Nginx, you can always prepare your Nginx with those modules manually.

The nginx-extras package from your Linux distro is usually a good start.

Deploy VeryNginx

Checkout VeryNginx repository, link nginx.conf and VeryNginx folder to nginx config dir.

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/alexazhou/VeryNginx.git
rm -f /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp ~/VeryNginx/nginx.conf /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp -r ~/VeryNginx/VeryNginx /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx

# The following line makes /opt/VeryNginx writable for nginx, so that VeryNginx can modify configs inside it.
# Change user and group name to the actual account.
chown -R nginx:nginx /opt/VeryNginx

Configure Nginx

You should add your sites into /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/nginx.conf. However you should not modify the VeryNginx config code in the file unless you know what you're doing 😈.

VeryNginx config code looks like the following:

#-----------------VeryNginx config code------------------
lua_package_path '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.lua;;/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/module/?.lua;;';
lua_package_cpath '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.so;;';
lua_code_cache on;

lua_shared_dict status 1m;
lua_shared_dict summary_long 10m;
lua_shared_dict summary_short 10m;

init_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_init.lua;
rewrite_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_rewrite.lua;
access_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_access.lua;
log_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_log.lua;
#---------------VeryNginx config code end-----------------

You can have your own Nginx installation to work with VeryNginx by integrating its config code into you own config file.

##Start service /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx

##Stop service /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop

##Configure VeryNginx Open your web browser and go to

Default user and password is verynginx / verynginx. You should be able to work through all the options now.

Don't forget to visit "配置>系统>全部配置" to save your changes.


  • New configs will be effective immediately upon saving. It's not necessary to restart or reload nginx.

  • When you save config, VeryNginx will write all configs to /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/config.json.

  • If you lock yourself out of VeryNginx by doing something stupid, you can always delete config.json to revert VeryNginx to its default.



  1. OpenResty 是一个Nginx再发行版本,包含了标准Nginx以及很多扩展模块.


A very powerful and friendly nginx base on lua-nginx-module( openresty ) which provide custom waf , action and analyzing. 功能强大并且拥有对人类友好界面的Nginx, 提供防火墙,自定义行为和统计功能


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