ivmos / terraform-magento-azurerm

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Deploy Magento e-commerce on Azure

This repo contains an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template designed for developers and architects who are planning to deploy required Azure resouces for Magento. For more details about the architecture, see the Magento e-commerce in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) guidance on the Azure Architecture Center.

Solution architecture

The solution architecture for Magento running on Azure is shown in the following diagram.

Magento solution architecture

The Azure services involved in this solution architecture are described below.

  • AKS deploys the Kubernetes cluster of Varnish, Magento, Redis, and Elasticsearch in different pods.
  • AKS creates a virtual network to deploy the agent nodes. Create the virtual network in advance to set up subnet configuration, private link, and egress restriction.
  • Varnish installs in front of the HTTP servers to act as a full-page cache.
  • Azure Database for MySQL stores transaction data such as orders and catalogs. Using version 8.0 is recommended.
  • Azure Files Premium or an equivalent network-attached storage (NAS) system stores media files such as product images. Magento needs a Kubernetes-compatible file system such as Azure Files Premium or Azure NetApp Files, which can mount a volume in ReadWriteMany mode.
  • A content delivery network (CDN) serves static content such as CSS, JavaScript, and images. Serving content through a CDN minimizes network latency between users and the datacenter. A CDN can remove significant load from NAS by caching and serving static content.
  • Redis stores session data. Hosting Redis on containers is recommended for performance reasons.
  • AKS uses an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) identity to create and manage other Azure resources like Azure load balancers, user authentication, role-based access control, and managed identity.
  • Azure Container Registry stores the private Docker images that are deployed to the AKS cluster. You can use other container registries like Docker Hub. Note that the default Magento install writes some secrets to the image.
  • Azure Monitor collects and stores metrics and logs, including Azure service platform metrics and application telemetry. Azure Monitor integrates with AKS to collect controller, node, and container metrics, and container and master node logs.

How to deploy the ARM template

To deploy this ARM template, open the Azure CLI, and then run the following command:

az deployment group create --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --template-file azuredeploy.json

See this article for troubleshooting the deployment errors.

Alternatively, the following botton will allow you to deploy the APM template from Azure portal.

Deploy to Azure


The following table shows a list of parameters to determine how much the cluster can scale. The default values are intentionally scaled down to avoid unnecessary costs for PoC. Values in the rightmost column are the ones we used in our performance test, when we achieved 340 orders per minute using the Magento performance toolkit.

Parameter Default value Value in our performance test
aksNodePoolSize 3 10
aksNodePoolVMSize Standard_DS2_v2 Standard_F8s_v2
mySQLSkuName MO_Gen5_4 MO_Gen5_16
mySQLSkuTier MemoryOptimized MemoryOptimized
mySQLSkuFamily Gen5 Gen5
mySQLSkuCapacity 4 16
mySQLStorageSize 128000 512000
fileShareQuota 512 16384

Next steps

Once all Azure resources are deployed successfuly, now you can start deploying Magento application, Varnish, Elasticsearch and Redis into the AKS cluster but it's out of scope for this guide. For more details about the architecture, see the Magento e-commerce in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) guidance on the Azure Architecture Center.

Cleanup resources

To remove this deployment simply remove the resource group that contains this sample.

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