ivastly / php-stratum

A stored procedure loader and wrapper class generator for MySQL in PHP

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A stored procedure loader and wrapper class generator for MySQL in PHP.

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PhpStratum is a tool and library with the following mayor functionalities:

  • Loading modified and new stored routines and removing obsolete stored routines into/from a MySQL instance. This MySQL instance can be part of your development or a production environment.
  • Enhancing the (limited) syntax of MySQL stored routines with constants and custom types (based on actual table columns).
  • Generating automatically a PHP wrapper class for calling your stored routines. This wrapper class takes care about error handing and prevents SQL injections.
  • Defining PHP constants based on auto increment columns and column widths.


We give an example based on a very simple database model that, nevertheless, will give you a good impression what PhpStratum does.


The database model is shown in the image below. It consists of a table for user accounts and a table for the status of each user account. Database Model Table BAR_USER_STATUS is a reference table with static data that holds the following rows:

ust_id ust_description ust_label

Stored Routines

For the web application we have two stored procedures:

  • A stored procedure for testing the availability of an account name.
  • A stored procedure for retrieving all blocked accounts.

The sources of both stored procedures are shown in the two images below. bar_user_is_user_name_available bar_user_get_blocked_accounts

Running PhpStratum

Running PhpStratum is straight forward. From the command line start stratum with a configuration file. running_stratum


The results of running PhpStratum are fourfold. First of all the stored routines are loaded into the MySQL instance. Inspecting the stored routines (with Toad for MySQL) in the MySQL instance shows the second effect of PhpStratum.
bar_user_is_user_name_available bar_user_get_blocked_accounts

In stored procedure bar_user_is_user_name_available the parameter type @bar_user.usr_name%type@ is replaced with the actual data type varchar(20) character set utf8 and in stored procedure bar_user_get_blocked_accounts placeholder @BAR_UST_ID_BLOCKED@ is replaced with the actual value of usr_id for status blocked, i.e. 2.

Thirdly, PhpStratum has automatically generated a wrapper class for calling the stored procedures from your PHP code. This wrapper class takes care about error handing and prevents SQL injections. Also, this class includes DocBlocks based on the DocBlocks in the source files of the stored procedures and the data types of the arguments of the stored procedures. DataLayer

Finally, PhpStratum has generated PHP code for defining constants.
The constants based on the length/size of the data type of a column, especially varchar columns, can be used for setting the size of an input element in a form. A rudimentary example of creating an input element for the user name in a login form is shown in the below.
This example generates an input element with length 20 in which the end-user cannot enter more than 20 characters.
Suppose new requirements of your web application state the maximum length of user names is 40 characters. With PhpStratum you need the modify column usr_name and rerun stratum.
The above PHP statement yields now:


  • Easy loading of new and modified stored routines and removing of obsolete stored routines. We use PhpStratum on our development environments and also on the production environments of our customers. Actually, we use PhpStratum in %post scripts inside RPM distributions.
  • Automatic generation of a wrapper class with methods for each stored routine. This wrapper class protected you against SQL injection and takes care about error handling. There is no need to create painstakingly SQL statements yourself in your code for calling stored routines. Any change of the parameters of a stored routine will be reflected in the wrapper class. With a modern IDE you can find each usage of each stored routine easily.
  • There is no need to clutter the sources of your stored routines with drop procedure ... and delimiter $$ statements. Moreover, since the sources of your stored routines hold in effect one SQL statement only, when MySQL finds a syntax error in the source of your stored routine the line number in MySQL's error message will correspond with the line number in the source file.
  • Modifications of the data type of table columns are automatically incorporated in the parameters and local variables of your stored routines and in your PHP code. For example:
    • Changing column usr_id from small int to int unsigned.
    • Changing column fct_amount from float to double.
    • Changing column usr_name from varchar(20) character set latin1 to varchar(40) character set utf8. In this case all the length of all input elements for user name is set to 40 as well.


We recommend to install PhpStratum via Composer:

  "require": {
		"setbased/php-stratum": "3.*"

Further Reading

We are aiming to have the full documentation available in 2015 at GitHup Pages.

Examples are available at PhpStratum Samples.


History of PhpStratum

Version 1.x

The initial development of PhpStratum started in 2005 when MySQL 5.0 became GA. MySQL 5.0 was the first release with stored routines. The first project were we used PhpStratum is the Nahouw. Currently, this project has over 600 stored routines.

Version 2.x

The development of PhpStratum 2.0 started at the end of 2010 when MySQL 5.5 became GA. MySQL 5.5 was the first release with information_schema.PARAMETERS. The availability of information_schema.PARAMETERS provides metadata about the parameters and return type of stored routines.

Version 3.x

The development of PhpStratum 3.0 started in 2013. The aim of this release is to make PhpStratum publicly available under the MIT licence and installable via Composer.


We have put more than 10 years of experience with stored routines into PhpStratum and have used PhpStratum in dozens projects for our customers. Many of these projects have hundreds of stored routines.

Sister Project

We are also working on PyStratum. PyStratum provides the same functionalities as PhpStratum but in a Python environment and supports MySQL as well as Microsoft SQL Server.


A stored procedure loader and wrapper class generator for MySQL in PHP

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%