ivar / store_demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



We'll use SQLite3 in development.


Clone the repository, then run:

bundle install
cp db/monster_demo db/monster_development
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
bundle exec rails s

Provisioning Heroku

You need to create an application on Heroku. From within the project directory:

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master

Updating Config

Open the store_config.rb in the root project directory and:

  • Change the production URL to match the URL of your heroku deployment
  • Change your email address to the one you used to register for this session

Loading Data

Let's get all our base data running on Heroku:

heroku addons:add pgbackups
heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE 'https://github.com/[TODO: URL for pgsql dump]'

Install phantom.js

You'll need phantom.js to run the test suite locally:

brew install phantomjs

You're ready to go!


Using PostgreSQL

First edit the Gemfile to uncomment the pg line, and comment out the sqlite3 line.

bundle install
cp config/database.postgresql.yml config/database.yml
createuser -sdR monster
createdb -O monster monster_development
psql -U monster -d monster_development -f db/monster_development.pgdump
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
bundle exec rails s

View the website at localhost:8080.

Optional Poltergeist Setup

brew update
brew install poltergeist

Welcome to Frank's Monsterporium, a faux online store

Frank's Monsterporium has the best selection, nay, the ONLY selection of Frank's awesome creations on the web.

This project was created for the gSchool StoreEngine Project. The background for this project can be found at: http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/projects/store_engine.html
