ivansible / dev-user

configure remote user for development (deprecated)

Home Page:https://galaxy.ansible.com/ivansible/dev_user

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Github Test Status Ansible Galaxy

This role configures remote host and remote user for development. It creates some common bash aliases for remote user. It will also enable private SSH keys, if any. The role will additionally install gz-encrypt.sh and gz-decrypt.sh scripts


This role needs private SSH key files accessible by ansible. Normally these are placed under the files/secret/keys directory next to the playbook (or linked therein).


Available variables are listed below, along with default values.

dev_user_git_fullname: <ansible_user_id>
dev_user_git_email: <ansible_user_id>@<inventory_hostname>

Full name and email to fill in git configuration.

dev_user_git_push: upstream

Default git push mode: upstream or simple

dev_user_git_force: false

Allows to override user's global git config.

dev_user_ssh_keys_accept: <derived from ssh_keys_accept>

The list of private key files to accept. Normally this is derived from ssh_keys_accept (string or list), which can be provided as a playbook CLI argument. Defaults to the list of playbook ssh keys <playbook_dir>/files/secret/keys/*.key recorded in lin_ssh_keys_files and inherited from the role lin_base.

dev_user_ssh_keys_deploy: <first accepted ssh key or derived from ssh_keys_deploy>

The list of private key files to install. By default, it's the first accepted ssh key, if any.

dev_user_ssh_keys_revoke: <derived from ssh_keys_revoke>

The list of obsolete ssh keys (public or private) to decommit. By default none.

dev_user_ssh_interactive: false
dev_user_ssh_keys_interactive: <derived from ssh_keys_interactive>

Subset of accepted ssh keys with interactive features enabled such as bash aliases. By default none.

dev_user_ssh_keys_git: <derived from ssh_keys_git>
dev_user_authorized_git_repos: [github.com, gitlab.com]

Configure given ssh keys (actually, the first one) to access given git remotes.

dev_user_group_vars: {}
dev_user_host_vars: {}
dev_user_extra_vars: {}

dev_user_group_secrets: {}
dev_user_host_secrets: {}
dev_user_extra_secrets: {}

Dictionaries of exported variable names/values that will be added to the user's bashrc.

dev_user_totp_keys: {}

A dictionary of TOTP keys in the form {e-mail: base32-key, ...} for use with OATH tool or Google authenticator.

dev_user_rev_ssh_host: revssh

The role will search inventory for this host name. If found, it will be added to the local user ssh config file.

Optional Variables

real_ssh_port: <optional>

This optional setting allows user to override auto-detected ssh port, which may be incorrect if ansible is run by the HashiCorp packer or through a reverse ssh tunnel or port forwarder. An incorrect value is generally harmless though, as the role uses it only to fill in a comment.


  • dev_user_bashrc - customize ~/.bashrc.local
  • dev_user_tmux - customize tmux
  • dev_user_git - customize ~/.gitconfig (aliased as dev_user_gitconfig)
  • dev_user_ssh_keys - authorize public SSH keys, install SSH keys
  • dev_user_ssh_config - customize ~/.ssh/config
  • dev_user_ssh_all - all tasks related to SSH and keys
  • dev_user_utils - install backup-restore scripts, OATH tool, various utilities
  • dev_user_all - all of the above


  • ivansible.lin_base -- for lin_ssh_keys_files
  • ivansible.backup_base -- for install_scripts.yml

Example Playbook

- hosts: vag2
    - role: ivansible.dev_user
        http_proxy: http://my.proxy.com:8080


molecule test [-s default]
ivantory-role .dev_user vagrant-box



Author Information

Created in 2018-2021 by IvanSible


configure remote user for development (deprecated)



Language:Shell 64.6%Language:Jinja 35.4%