ivangoncharuk / ivangoncharuk_minilanguage

A lexer tokenizer and syntax analyzer for a small programming language grammar written for my Programming Language and implementation class (COSC455) at Towson University

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Syntax Analyzer


This Python script is a syntax analyzer that tests various programs for correct or incorrect syntax based on a defined grammar. The script allows you to test files with predefined correct or incorrect syntax, or to specify a custom file for syntax analysis.

  • Supports full error handling!


  • Python 3.11.6

Running the Script

  1. Clone or Download the Repository

    Ensure you have the project repository on your local machine. If not, clone or download it from its source.

  2. Navigate to the Project Directory

    Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of the project.

    cd path/to/project
  3. Running the Syntax Analyzer

    From the root directory of the project, execute the syntax analyzer script using Python. Depending on your system's configuration, you may use either python or python3 as the command.

    python scripts/syntax_analyzer.py


    python3 scripts/syntax_analyzer.py

    This will start the script and present you with a menu of options to test various syntax files.

Script Options

  • Test Correct Syntax: Test files with syntax that is expected to be correct.
  • Test Incorrect Syntax: Test files with syntax that is expected to be incorrect.
  • Enter a Custom File Path: Test a specific file by entering its file path.
  • Toggle Screen Clearing: Enable or disable the clearing of the screen after each action.
  • Toggle Printing File Content: Enable or disable the printing of a file's content before parsing it.
  • Exit: Exit the script.

Follow the on-screen prompts to navigate through the options. Selecting an option for testing syntax will require you to choose a file from a provided list or enter a custom file path.

Error Handling

The analyzer supports full error handling. Here is what it might look like:

% python3 scripts/syntax_tester.py

1. Test Correct Syntax
2. Test Incorrect Syntax
3. Enter a custom file path
4. Toggle Screen Clearing (currently On)
5. Toggle Printing File Content (currently On)
0. Exit

Enter your choice: 2

1. ab1.txt
4. euclid-error.txt
10. print.txt

Enter your choice (0 to go back): 4

File Content: ... (will print file content if enabled.)

Parsing Output:

--- NOT OK ---

Syntax Error at Line 11, Column 14:
Unexpected token: 'RELATIONAL_OP'. Expected: Expected: 'true', 'false', 'NUM', 'ID', '('
9:    b := 20;
10:    print a;  print b;
11:    while a !== b do
12:       if a < b then b := b - a
13:       else a := a - b
Error in file 'grammar-examples/incorrect-syntax/euclid-error.txt': Parsing failed due to syntax error.

Press Enter to continue...

Lexical Analyzer

This Python script serves as a lexical analyzer, taking a program written in a simplified programming language and breaking it down into tokens. Each token is associated with its type, value (if applicable), and position in the original text.


Python 3.x


The Lexer class handles the tokenization of the input text. __init__(self, input_text): Initializes the Lexer object with the specified input text. next_token(self): Reads the next token from the input text. Updates the current_token attribute with the new token. kind(self): Returns the kind of the current token. value(self): Returns the value of the current token. position(self): Returns the position (line and character number) of the current token.

How to Run

Navigate to the directory containing the lexer_tester.py script in your terminal or command prompt.

Run the script using the following command:

python3 scripts/lexer_tester.py

Follow the on-screen prompts to choose an example to test, or input your own code.

Testing Options

  • Predefined examples: Choose from a list of predefined examples to see how the lexical analyzer tokenizes different constructs.
  • Custom example: Input your own code directly into the terminal.
  • Test from file: Input the name of a text file (including the extension) to test the lexical analyzer on the contents of that file.

Example Output

For the input program: test_program.txt

program comprehensive_test_3:
  // Variable Declarations
  int x, y, result;
  bool flag, condition;
  // Assignment and Arithmetic Operations
  x := 10;
  y := 20;
  result := x + y;
  // Conditional Statement with Relational Operators
  if x >= y or y > x then
    print "x is either greater than or equal to y, or y is greater than x";
    print "Neither condition is true";
  // Iterative Statement with Comparison and Boolean Operators
  while not flag and result != 0 do
    result := result - 1;
    if result <= 10 then
      flag := true;
  // Print Statement with Expressions and String Concatenation
  print "Final value of result: ", result, ", flag: ", flag;
  // Test String with Special Characters and Escaped Characters
  print "Special Characters: !@#$%^&*()\nNew line and Tab:\t";
  // Test Boolean Operations
  condition := true or false;
  print "Condition: ", condition;
  // Test Unary Operator
  print "Negative result: ", -result;

The output will look like this (using option 6)

% python3 src/main.py

Choose an example to test the lexical analyzer:
1. Basic Arithmetic
2. Conditional Statements
3. While Loop
4. Lexically Not OK
5. Custom Example
6. Test From File
0. Exit
Enter the number of your choice: 6

Enter the name of the file to test (including extension): test_program.txt
(  1 :  1 ) program
(  1 :  9 ) comprehensive_test_3                                           ID
(  1 : 29 ) :                                                             
(  3 :  3 ) int
(  3 :  7 ) x                                                              ID
(  3 :  8 ) ,                                                             
(  3 : 10 ) y                                                              ID
(  3 : 11 ) ,                                                             
(  3 : 13 ) result                                                         ID
(  3 : 19 ) ;                                                             
(  4 :  3 ) bool
(  4 :  8 ) flag                                                           ID
(  4 : 12 ) ,                                                             
(  4 : 14 ) condition                                                      ID
(  4 : 23 ) ;                                                             
(  7 :  3 ) x                                                              ID
(  7 :  5 ) :=                                                             ASSIGN_OP
(  7 :  8 ) 10                                                             NUM
(  7 : 10 ) ;                                                             
(  8 :  3 ) y                                                              ID
(  8 :  5 ) :=                                                             ASSIGN_OP
(  8 :  8 ) 20                                                             NUM
(  8 : 10 ) ;                                                             
(  9 :  3 ) result                                                         ID
(  9 : 10 ) :=                                                             ASSIGN_OP
(  9 : 13 ) x                                                              ID
(  9 : 15 ) +                                                              ADD_OP
(  9 : 17 ) y                                                              ID
(  9 : 18 ) ;                                                             
( 12 :  3 ) if
( 12 :  6 ) x                                                              ID
( 12 :  8 ) >=                                                             RELATIONAL_OP
( 12 : 11 ) y                                                              ID
( 12 : 13 ) or
( 12 : 16 ) y                                                              ID
( 12 : 18 ) >                                                              RELATIONAL_OP
( 12 : 20 ) x                                                              ID
( 12 : 22 ) then
( 13 :  5 ) print
( 13 : 11 ) x is either greater than or equal to y, or y is greater than x STRING
( 13 : 75 ) ;                                                             
( 14 :  3 ) else
( 15 :  5 ) print
( 15 : 11 ) Neither condition is true                                      STRING
( 15 : 38 ) ;                                                             
( 16 :  3 ) end
( 19 :  3 ) while
( 19 :  9 ) not
( 19 : 13 ) flag                                                           ID
( 19 : 18 ) and
( 19 : 22 ) result                                                         ID
( 19 : 29 ) !=                                                             RELATIONAL_OP
( 19 : 32 ) 0                                                              NUM
( 19 : 34 ) do
( 20 :  5 ) result                                                         ID
( 20 : 12 ) :=                                                             ASSIGN_OP
( 20 : 15 ) result                                                         ID
( 20 : 22 ) -                                                              ADD_OP
( 20 : 24 ) 1                                                              NUM
( 20 : 25 ) ;                                                             
( 21 :  5 ) if
( 21 :  8 ) result                                                         ID
( 21 : 15 ) <                                                              RELATIONAL_OP
( 21 : 16 ) =                                                              RELATIONAL_OP
( 21 : 18 ) 10                                                             NUM
( 21 : 21 ) then
( 22 :  7 ) flag                                                           ID
( 22 : 12 ) :=                                                             ASSIGN_OP
( 22 : 15 ) true                                                           ID
( 22 : 19 ) ;                                                             
( 23 :  5 ) end
( 24 :  3 ) end
( 27 :  3 ) print
( 27 :  9 ) Final value of result:                                         STRING
( 27 : 34 ) ,                                                             
( 27 : 36 ) result                                                         ID
( 27 : 42 ) ,                                                             
( 27 : 44 ) , flag:                                                        STRING
( 27 : 54 ) ,                                                             
( 27 : 56 ) flag                                                           ID
( 27 : 60 ) ;                                                             
( 30 :  3 ) print
( 30 :  9 ) Special Characters: !@#$%^&*()\nNew line and Tab:\t            STRING
( 30 : 62 ) ;                                                             
( 33 :  3 ) condition                                                      ID
( 33 : 13 ) :=                                                             ASSIGN_OP
( 33 : 16 ) true                                                           ID
( 33 : 21 ) or
( 33 : 24 ) false                                                          ID
( 33 : 29 ) ;                                                             
( 34 :  3 ) print
( 34 :  9 ) Condition:                                                     STRING
( 34 : 22 ) ,                                                             
( 34 : 24 ) condition                                                      ID
( 34 : 33 ) ;                                                             
( 37 :  3 ) print
( 37 :  9 ) Negative result:                                               STRING
( 37 : 28 ) ,                                                             
( 37 : 30 ) -                                                              ADD_OP
( 37 : 31 ) result                                                         ID
( 37 : 37 ) ;                                                             
( 38 :  1 ) end
( 38 :  4 ) .                                                             
( 38 :  5 ) end-of-text

Choose an example to test the lexical analyzer:
1. Basic Arithmetic
2. Conditional Statements
3. While Loop
4. Lexically Not OK
5. Custom Example
6. Test From File
0. Exit
Enter the number of your choice: 0

Example Use (Custom Example)

% python3 src/main.py

Choose an example to test the lexical analyzer:
1. Basic Arithmetic
2. Conditional Statements
3. While Loop
4. Lexically Not OK
5. Custom Example
6. Test From File
0. Exit
Enter the number of your choice: 5

Enter your custom example code:
print "Final value of result: ", result, ", flag: ", flag;
(  1 :  1 ) print
(  1 :  7 ) Final value of result:  STRING
(  1 : 32 ) ,                      
(  1 : 34 ) result                  ID
(  1 : 40 ) ,                      
(  1 : 42 ) , flag:                 STRING
(  1 : 52 ) ,                      
(  1 : 54 ) flag                    ID
(  1 : 58 ) ;                      
(  1 : 59 ) end-of-text

Choose an example to test the lexical analyzer:
1. Basic Arithmetic
2. Conditional Statements
3. While Loop
4. Lexically Not OK
5. Custom Example
6. Test From File
0. Exit
Enter the number of your choice: 0

Example Syntax Error Raised

% python3 src/main.py
Choose an example to test the lexical analyzer:
1. Basic Arithmetic
2. Conditional Statements
3. While Loop
4. Lexically Not OK
5. Custom Example
6. Test From File
0. Exit
Enter the number of your choice: 5

Enter your custom example code:
print "Final value of result: "; ^,!,***;

> Traceback...

SyntaxError: Unexpected symbol '^' at position (1, 34)

Removing the symbol '^' will result in another SyntaxError due to the '!' ('^' is replaced by the token ';')

> Menu Items...
Enter the number of your choice: 5

Enter your custom example code:
print "Final value of result: "; ,!,***;       
> Traceback...
SyntaxError: Unexpected symbol '!' at position (1, 35)


A lexer tokenizer and syntax analyzer for a small programming language grammar written for my Programming Language and implementation class (COSC455) at Towson University


Language:Python 100.0%