Show a stream of your online activity.
Check out the example or create your own lifestream instantly.
Currently supports the following feeds:
- Bitbucket
- Bitly
- Blogger
- Citeulike
- Dailymotion
- Delicious
- DeviantART
- Disqus
- Dribbble
- Facebook Pages
- Flickr
- Foomark
- Formspring
- Forrst
- Foursquare
- Gimmebar
- Github
- Google+
- Google Reader
- Hypem
- Instapaper
- Iusethis
- Mendeley
- Miso
- Mlkshk
- Pinboard
- Posterous
- Quora
- Slideshare
- Snipplr
- Stackoverflow
- Tumblr
- Vimeo
- Wikipedia
- Wordpress
- Youtube
- Zotero
Feel free to fork the project and add your own feeds in.
Just send a pull request to christianv/jquery-lifestream when you're finished.
- Filter feeds - used by
- Drupal module - jQuery lifestream as a drupal module called Social River.
cd build
Use make target
and replace target with the target you want to use.
- jls: Build jquery.lifestream.js, the non-minified version of jQuery Lifestream
- jls-min: Build jquery.lifestream.min.js, the minified version of jQuery Lifestream
- script-min: Build download/js/script.min.js, this script is the main script for the download page
- uglifyjs: Build download/js/uglify-cs.js, a custom version of UglifyJS patched to work in the browser
- uglifyjs-min: Build download/js/uglify-cs.min.js, minified version of UglifyJS
- service-list: Build download/services.json, a list of all the services which are available
Add the following to the <head> or <body> tag of your HTML page.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
service: "github",
user: "christianv"
service: "twitter",
user: "denbuzze"
The above code will always use the latest version of the script.
If you want to use it in production, download the minified
or uncompressed file and host it yourself.
You also need to add a bit of HTML:
<div id="lifestream"> </div>
You have the ability to use jQuery templates for your feed.
Checkout the template page to see an overview of the current available templates.
service: 'deviantart',
user: 'gabbyd70',
template: {
deviationpost: 'heeft hetvolgende gepost: <a href="${url}">${title}</a>'
The plug-in accepts one configuration JSON object:
classname: "lifestream",
feedloaded: feedcallback,
limit: 30,
service: "github",
user: "christianv"
service: "twitter",
user: "denbuzze"
: The name of the main lifestream class. We use this for the main ul class e.g. lifestream and for the specific feeds e.g. lifestream-twitter
: (function) A callback function which is triggered each time a feed was loaded.
: (integer) Specify how many elements you want in your lifestream (default = 10).
: (array) Array containing other JSON objects with information about each item.
Each item should have a service and a user.
For more information about each service, check out the source code of the example page.
Adding in your own feed is pretty easy.
Have a look at this commit which adds support for the feed.
- Convert the favicon.ico of a site to a .png file. (e.g.
- Optimize the .png file. Save it in src/favicons/.
- Make a data:URI for it.
- Put the data:URI in css/lifestream.css (alphabetical order).
- Push the finished code to your own remote repository.
- Send a pull request to christianv/jquery-lifestream.
- Indentation: 2 spaces
- Max column width: 78 characters
- Trailing spaces: not allowed
- Always use curly brackets {} for if/else/for
- Put all
statements in the beginning of a function - Use === & !== for comparing variables
- Use the following spacing rules:
for (var i = 0, j = length; i < j; i++) {
Stuff that isn"t implemented yet, but would be nice to have:
- Add support for Twitter Web Intents
Places on the web where this plug-in got mentioned:
- - Italian
- BlogUpstairs
- Codevisually
- DailyJS
- DesignBeep
- Doejo
- Eire Media
- Elliptips - French
- Erik Ostrom Blog
- doejo
- - Italian
- JavaScript Experiments
- jQuery Rain
- jqueryitalia
- jQuery this
- Lifestream Blog
- Script Tutorials
- Simong Gaeremynck Blog
- Softpedia - Softpedia pick
- Speckyboy
- Spyrestudios
- phpspot - Japanese
- ProgrammableWeb - Mashup of the Day on 17/06/2011
- Smashing Magazine
- Splashnology
- The Changelog
- The Next Web
- Weboptimize
A list of sites that use the jQuery Lifestream plug-in:
Alex Buznik (Russian), Alesh Houdek, Armin Roșu, Bender Rodriges, Blake Embrey, BrainDump2.0, Cirle of Hope, Dennis Metzcher, Devin Berg, Erik Ostrom, Libby Baldwin,, Sam Tardif, Sebastix, Simon Gaeremynck, Sunny Walker
Special thanks all the committers and gabbyd70 for letting us use her DeviantART username.
Have a look at our tags to see what we've been working on.