ivanarellano / keras-tensorflow-kickstart

Creates a development environment for Python, Keras, and TensorFlow.

Repository from Github https://github.comivanarellano/keras-tensorflow-kickstartRepository from Github https://github.comivanarellano/keras-tensorflow-kickstart


  1. Follow the pyenv installation directions at https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv
  2. Run $ pyenv install 3.5.3
  3. Run $ pyenv exec pyvenv env
  4. Activate the development environment: $ source env/bin/activate
  5. Run $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Verify Installation

Open a terminal and activate the environment (step 4). Run $ python and then try to import keras >>> import keras. You should see the message "Using TensorFlow backend."


Dogs vs. Cats: $ python examples/dogs_v_cats.py --dataset [training_data_path]


Creates a development environment for Python, Keras, and TensorFlow.