ivanIStereotekk / ivanIStereotekk

personal repo for visual formating

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Hi there, this is Ivan Goncharov's GitHub. 👋

This GitHub page contains projects and repos that was initiated by Ivan Goncharov. If you wanna know who is this guy please visit http://www.iskk.space/resume .


Here are many things that was started by me but then abandoned for a while. I promising to myself make some clean and organise these things but i still busy for doing it today.


Often i do fork for the projects that was interesting for me. I think it is convenient way to gather interesting projects to keep them at hand.

Most interesting repos:

cherkizovo: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/cherkizovo test task

test mango: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/test_mango - since the begining i've been started this project as test task for the company but then i continued to write like a whole backend for the pet project. As seems to me there are interesting and actual practices and technologies that i would prefer to use in the real project. Still in development.

isk.sapce: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/ruka - my personal website [ iskk.space ] you may see it. www.iskk.space

ascue_pro_web_app: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/ascue_pro_web_app - The website created by me for the client's company [ ascue.pro ] it works here: www.ascue.pro

fastapi best practices: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/fastapi-best-practices - sometimes i using it as best practices cheet-sheat to keep coding properly.

airflow starter: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/airflow_starter - this is the astronomer Apache AirFlow starter pack with basic settings for the project needs.

algorythms: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/Python_Algorythms - this repo for educational purposes so you may find there everything that requires proper skilled coder.

kafka all stars: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/kafka-all-stars - self prepared basic docker-compose for the real project usage.

fullstat test: https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/fullstat_test - test task work with django, celery, redis, flower, postgres, docker-copose . And it works !

surr.space : https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/surr.space - this is a website that i wanted to deploy as my personal developer page. It works but my ideas evolving and transforming so quickly.

pyinitor: just simple script that creates default python project with venv and some files inside [https://github.com/ivanIStereotekk/pyinitor/blob/main/README.md]


personal website: http://www.iskk.space

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-goncharov-422529243/

email: ivan.stareotekk@gmail.com

soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ivanstereotekk

My C.V or resume is here: http://www.iskk.space/resume


personal repo for visual formating