ivalkeen / crispy-octo-garbanzo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Status



Following frameworks/libraries are being used in the project:

  • Cuba as a fast and lightweight web framework
  • ERB as a template engines as the most standard Ruby solution
  • Net::HTTP for HTTP communication, as it is standard and also supports GZip compression out of the box
  • Twitter bootstrap (loaded from CDN) for simple layout and basic look and feel

FyberGateway is a Facade for the communication with Fyber API for the application. Hash calculation, response signature validation, offers api request and response are implemented as separate classes. Individual offer is currently represented by just a Hash inside OffersResponse object, but more proper implementation could be creating an object representation for it, however I've decided that it's out of scope of this project.

All the classes are documented with YARD


  • Minitest for unit and acceptance testing
  • Capybara for acceptance testing of the web application
  • Webmock to mock API calls in tests with some pre-recorded responses
  • Timecop is used for freezing time in acceptance tests to make it possible to mock web requests (HashKey is changing depending on parameters, one of which is the timestamp)

All of the classes are covered with unit tests. There is also an acceptance test, which simulates user input and verifies output.


Configuration is stored in environment variables on production and loaded from .env files in development/test (using Dotenv gem).


  • Token based CSRF protection is implemented to allow only requests from the application
  • XSS protection is implemented by escaping all the output


Heroku was chosen for deployment as the simplest (and free) option

Using locally

  1. bundle install

  2. Create .env file with the following content:

    API_KEY=Your API key
    APPID=Your application ID
    DEVICE_ID=Device ID to be used
    IP=IP addess
    OFFER_TYPES=Offer types to fetch
    SECRET=Rack session secret (just a random string)
  3. Start puma server:

    bin/puma config.ru -b tcp://
  4. Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000


License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 87.0%Language:HTML 13.0%