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Manipulation Experiment for Symbolic Goal Learning in a hybrid, modular framework for Human Instruction Following

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Manipulation Experiment

Manipulation Experiment for Symbolic Goal Learning in a Hybrid, Modular Framework for Human Instruction Following. The proposed hybrid, modular framework consists of Perception, Goal Learning, Task Planning and Execution modules. The Perception module is responsible for interpreting visual information of surrounding environments. The Goal Learning module learns symbolic goal representation for the Task Planning module. The Task Planning module generates a sequence of low-level actions. The Execution module performs generated actions with operational information detected by the Perception module.

Table of Contents

Experimental Setup

Five different daily activities are conducted, which include Picking and Placing, Object Delivery, Cutting, Cleaning and Cooking. There are four different levels of scenarios for each task. Easy scenario only contains involved objects in the scene. Medium scenario incorporates irrelevant objects. The first hard scenario further includes multiple candidates while the second hard scenario misses partial or all objects required to perform the task. Due to missing objects in the scene, task planning is not expected to find valid solutions and execution is also not required for the second hard case. There are 10 scenarios for each level and either novel instruction or intent will be paired with the image.

Evaluation Metrics

To evaluate each module in the instruction following framework, each manipulation experiment trial is considered as successful if it satifies four conditions. For Perception, all involved objects are required to be correctly detected, which constructs the initial state for PDDL. For Goal Learning, PDDL goal state should be correctly predicted. For Task Planning, generated action sequence is composed of correct ordered actions. Given that AI2THOR does not support physical modeling of robot-object interaction, Execution evaluation requires the Intersection-of-Union (IoU) of detected and ground-truth masks for objects to be over the 0.5 threshold.


Compared to the Table provided in the manuscript, this one includes further details for easy, medium, hard1 and hard2 scenarios. image


We employ Mask R-CNN as the Perception module to detect objects and their category segmentation masks. The categorical information is detected and corresponding affordances and attributes are retrieved from knowledge base to build the initial state for PDDL. The initial state of PDDL consists of listed objects with corresponding predicates which could be affordance or attribute.

Goal Learning

Symbolic Goal Learning via vision and language is proposed and employed for learning goal state representation for PDDL. This goal learning network consists of visual and linguistic encoders, multi-modal fusion and classification modules. The visual encoder processes input image and outputs visual features. The linguistic encoder takes a sentence of natural langauge as input and outputs linguistic features. Multi-modal fusion module is responsible for jointly fusing visual and linguistic features into the same domain. The classification module produces predictions of symbolic representations for PDDL via joint features.

Task Planning

For task planning, we employ the Planning Domain Def- inition Language (PDDL), a widely used symbolic planning language. With a list of pre-defined objects and their corre- sponding predicates (such as dirty, graspable, etc.), a domain consists of primitive actions and corresponding effects. Here, affordances and attributes serve to define available predicates for subsequently specifying object-action-object relationships. Planning requires establishing a problem, which is composed of the initial state and a desired goal state of the world. The initial state is formed with a list of objects with corresponding predicates. The goal state is structured in the form of action, subject and object. From the domain and problem specifica- tion, a PDDL planner produces a sequence of primitive actions leaving the world in the goal state when executed. Fast Downward is employed in this module.


Manipulation experiments are conducted in the simulator AI2THOR. Given that AI2THOR does not support physical modeling of robot-object interaction, masks which are provided via Pereception module is served as operational information.

Scene Reconstruction

For each experimental sample, it consists of a text file saves natural language input, a RGB image, a json file stores all information for recovering environmental setup and a text file saves ground-truth PDDL goal state. All experiment samples are stored in the data folder.


  1. Create a conda environment
conda create --name me_sgl python=3.6
  1. Activate conda environment
conda activate me_sgl
  1. Follow the official installation instruction, compile and build downward
  2. The pretrained model for MaskRCNN requires specific version of pytorch, install pytorch via the following command:
conda install pytorch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 torchaudio==0.9.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
  1. Follow the installation instruction provided in Symbolic Goal Learning without creating a new conda environment. You will also need to download the corresponding dataset which contains several dictionaries for decoding.
  2. Install all required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Download pretrained models for MaskRCNN and the proposed Symbolic Goal Learning network and put them under the folder of pretrained_model. For symbolic goal learning model, you should download the one named resnet_bert_concat_sg_sts and uncompress it.
  2. Taking the easy level task of cut task for example, the first step is to run symbolic goal learning approach to estimate the goal state for PDDL.
python mmf_cli/manipulation_experiment.py config=projects/resnet_bert_concat/configs/sgl/defaults_manipulation_experiment.yaml model=resnet_bert_concat dataset=sgl

If you'd like to evaluate other tasks or difficulty levels, you will need to modify the corresponding arguments in defaults_manipulation_experiment.yaml. 3. After predicting goal state for PDDL, to perform the manipulation in AI2THOR, run the following command: For easy, medium or hard1 difficulties of cut task,

cd script
python cut_task_manipulation_experiment.py ../data --task_type cut_task --level easy

For hard2 difficulty of cut task,

cd script
python cut_task_manipulation_experiment_hard2.py ../data

It is similar to run experiments for other four tasks.




If you'd like to compare against this work, please cite:

  title={SGL: Symbolic Goal Learning for Human Instruction Following in Robot Manipulation},
  author={Xu, Ruinian and Chen, Hongyi and Lin, Yunzhi, and Vela, Patricio A},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.12912},


Manipulation Experiment for Symbolic Goal Learning in a hybrid, modular framework for Human Instruction Following


Language:Python 100.0%