itssimmons / ohmypoop

very simple ohmyposh themes 🎨

Repository from Github https://github.comitssimmons/ohmypoopRepository from Github https://github.comitssimmons/ohmypoop

Powershell Themes

Two cool Oh My Posh Themes for Powershell.

Inspiration πŸ’­

I like the terminal that @HolaMundo uses in his videos (simple and fast), so I wanted to make it's copy but in PowerShell and this is the result.

Based on this scheme image

Copy of the previous scheme image

My Scheme image

How to Install ❔


You can install a new terminal only if you want, it is not totally necessary, but it is cooler and provides more functionality than the default
Windows Terminal Preview.


Install a Nerd Font and set it in the terminal. (In this case is useless, but it will be able to help you to see icons in the terminal if you wish)

Fast way

You can clone this repo and just run install.ps1, this it's gonna install all you need and put the themes in your WindowsPowerShell folder inside other folder named "Themes".

Manually way

If you wanna do this manually follow the steps that the own creators offer. ☟

  1. Install Oh My Posh
  2. Install Posh Git
  3. Copy and paste this in the "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1"
Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
  1. And the themes
#Set-PoshPrompt -Theme ~/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Themes/mytheme.omp.json
Set-PoshPrompt -Theme ~/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Themes/copytheme.omp.json


Create your own schemes

Oh My Posh configs

To test your own themes use this. ☟

oh-my-posh --config sample.json --shell universal


very simple ohmyposh themes 🎨

License:The Unlicense


Language:PowerShell 100.0%