Priyanka Giri's repositories
Let's anyone create and email as many certificates in a fraction of time with just small input to specify where to print the names, data, etc.
To digitalize the process of day to day activities of a hotel example room booking. Assign a room according to customers demand, checkout of a computer and releasing the room and finally compute the bill, etc.
Collection of my LeetCode Solutions solved over the course of time. Click below for LeetCode Profile.
An initiative to increase awareness about the numerous environmental issues that have been rising. Let us work together to save your home, our home together.
Calculates CGPA for more than 27 Credits - a limit usually found in calculating CGPA according VIT System. Calculate CGPA for any number of students for any number of subject. Calculates the CGPA using the unique Registration Code for students for over 40,000+ entry of 1000+ students in less than a few minutes.
Python Automation to Fetch the Marks from an Excel Sheet and E-Mail everyone their marks respectively. Sends 1000+ emails in less than a few minutes.
A personal project to get hands-on experience in Bootstrap, HTML and CSS