itsmunim / bongotest

Some simple enough algorithmic code test problems

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • mkvirtualenv <env-name>
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python install <-- Important, otherwise module won't be found by py.test

Running Test

  • pytest -vv

Testing in iPython or Python Console

Testing Depth of Object Keys (Problem 1 & 2)
from bongotest.depthcheck import get_depths, print_depth

# A list of depth tuple(unordered), read the method docstring to know more
get_depths({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 10, 'e': {'f': 11}}})

# Prints the solution you expect from an object properly
print_depth({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 10, 'e': {'f': 11}}})
Testing Least Common Ancestor (Problem 3)
from bongotest.datastructure import create_bst, get_node
from bongotest.lca import lca

# Create a bst first
bst = create_bst()

# Test lca for different nodes
print lca(bst[2], bst[4]).value

Complexity of the LCA Algorithm


If we consider the height of the tree is h, then the time complexity is O(h). Considering number of node to be n, this is more optimal than O(n). This was possible because of the data structure as in every node has pointer to it's parent.


The space complexity is constant O(1); the reason being we don't store any path or info while running the algorithm. The algorithm works based on calculating depth of two nodes and based on that deciding if it should go back upto the node where both has a convergence and hence the LCA is obtained.


Some simple enough algorithmic code test problems


Language:Python 100.0%