itsbth / akasabi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Akasabi (rust) is a command line English/Japanese dictionary. It's heavily inspired by myougiden (but only the output format is lifted directly from it).

It works by parsing the EDICT dictionary file, and creating a searchable index with tantivy that allows searching by meaning, reading, or kanji.




Creating the index

To create the index, run akasabi index --path <path to JMdict_e.xml>. You can use --index to specify the path to the index, which currently defaults to ./tmp in the current directory.


Once the index is created, you can search it with akasabi search <query>. The query can be a word, a reading, or a meaning. The search is case-insensitive1, and will return all matches that contain the query. You can also specify --field <field> to search only a specific field (meaning, reading, or kanji).


I hope to keep the dependency list short enought that maintaining this list is feasible. Currently, the dependencies are:

  • clap: CLI argument parsing
  • yansi: ANSI color codes
  • tantivy: core search functionality
  • env_logger: set log levels by environment variable
  • anyhow: error handling
  • flate2: decompress gzipped files (jmdict is distributed gzipped)
  • itertools: iterator utilities
  • reqwest: HTTP client for downloading jmdict (currently not fully implemented)
  • wana_kana: romaji <-> kana conversion
  • xml: XML parsing
  • etcetera: get the user data directory (for the default index path)
  • lindera: Japanese morphological analysis/tokenization
  • tempfile: temporary file creation (used in tests only)


Licensed under either of

at your option.

In addition, testdata/JMdict_e_test.gz is a small subset of JMdict_e.xml, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence (V4.0).


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


  1. TODO: Verify that this is actually the case.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 95.6%Language:Python 4.4%