itsahedge / gqlgen-dataloader

Demonstrates GqlGen using the graph-gophers/dataloader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GqlGen graphql server with dataloader

This repo demonstrates a simple GqlGen graphql server using the graph-gophers/dataloader. This service is based on the GqlGen "Todo" sample app, and the dataloader middleware is inspired by vektah/dataloaden. Unlike vekta/dataloaden, this dataloader does not rely on code generation.

Project Structure

├── gqlgen.yml # GqlGen configuration
├── graph
│   ├── dataloader # implements the user dataloader
│   ├── generated # GqlGen generated files
│   ├── model # defines User and Todo model structs
│   ├── resolver # implements the graphql queries/mutations
│   └── storage # mock datastore for use in dataloader
├── schema.graphqls # graphql schema definition
└── server.go # runnable server

Run the app

# run the app, then navigate to http://localhost:8080/
go run ./server.go

Once the app server is running you can create the user...

mutation createUser {
  createUser(input: {name: "foo", userId:"1"}) {

Create a todo...

mutation createTodo {
  createTodo(input:{text:"bar", userId:"1"}) {

And observe the data loader in action!

query {
  listTodos {
    user {

Building the app

# run GqlGen (to generate new resolvers & models)
go get
go generate ./...

NOTE: there are issues running the GqlGen generator if you have vendored dependencies. The easiest workaround is to delete the vendor/ folder when you generate.


Demonstrates GqlGen using the graph-gophers/dataloader


Language:Go 100.0%