itsOrD / khawsar

Messaging app utilizing multiple apis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Can you name the original 151, but are ashamed that you wouldn't know a Garchomp from a Bronzong? Khawsar is here to help.

(pronounced something like: Koau-saa')

What is it?

Khawsar is a simple open source pattern matching game with social messaging capabilities built using Google's design principles for mobile first material-design. The player starts an encounter and is shown a random Pokemon from amongst the 807 (via the Pokemon API) and must guess input it's name exactly..

Guess right? Congrats! Your correct guess is saved.

Guess wrong? That's ok, you've got options.

  1. "run away" and "start a new encounter"
  2. use the built in Twilio API interface to copy over the Pokemon sprite (image) and text 'that one friend' for help

Built With

  • ReactJS
  • Material-UI
  • Twilio
  • Pokemon API
  • Mongoose
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • Webpack/Babel

Project Roadmap

  • Finalize interface and add greater messaging functionality (auto copy/paste of sprite)
  • Add guess 'hints' and 'additional angles' (alt sprites)
  • Integrate user accounts
  • Persist scores and user encounter accuracy information
  • Deploy to the cloud using Openshift (Kubernetes+Docker, nGinx)
  • Add a global leaderboard
  • Post graphical information about which Pokemon are least/most recognizable
  • Use that data to inform future Pokemon naming and character design



  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


Messaging app utilizing multiple apis

License:MIT License