itsAmeMario0o / AzureOpenshiftCSW

Deployment notes integrating Openshift on Azure with Secure Workload

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Deployment notes integrating Openshift on Azure with Secure Workload

Azure Openshift Docs -

az login az account set --subscription az provider register -n Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift --wait az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute --wait az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage --wait az provider register -n Microsoft.Authorization --wait

LOCATION=eastus # the location of your cluster RESOURCEGROUP=aro-rg # the name of the resource group where you want to create your cluster CLUSTER=tetrationAOS # the name of your cluster

Create a Resource Group az group create -n aro-rg --location eastus

Create a VNET az network vnet create --resource-group aro-rg --name aro-vnet --address-prefixes

Create a Subnet within the recently created VNET for the Master/API servers az network vnet subnet create --resource-group aro-rg --vnet-name aro-vnet --name master-subnet --address-prefixes --service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry

Create a Subnet within the recently create VNET for the worker nodes az network vnet subnet create --resource-group aro-rg --vnet-name aro-vnet --name worker-subnet --address-prefixes --service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry

We need to expose the Master Subnet as a provider az network vnet subnet update --name master-subnet --resource-group aro-rg --vnet-name aro-vnet --disable-private-link-service-network-policies true

Create the Openshift Cluster az aro create --resource-group aro-rg --name tetrationAOS --vnet aro-vnet --master-subnet master-subnet --worker-subnet worker-subnet --pull-secret @pull-secret.txt

To Delete the Openshift Cluster az aro delete --resource-group aro-rg --name tetrationAOS

Gain GUI/URL access to Openshift

Get password for kubeadmin az aro list-credentials --name tetrationAOS --resource-group aro-rg

Get the console URL: az aro show --name tetrationAOS --resource-group aro-rg --query "consoleProfile.url" -o tsv

Install openshift CLI - on mac: brew install openshift-cli

CLI Login: oc login -u kubeadmin -p DeRzI-bd8Tc-FqTyy-ymLPR

Prepare Cluster for Tetration

--- Revise this section to use the yaml for cluster-admin oc create serviceaccount oc create clusterrole --verb=get,list,watch --resource=endpoints,namespaces,nodes,pods,services,ingresses oc create clusterrolebinding --- Revise this section to use the yaml for cluster-admin

oc apply -f rbac/01-authentication.yaml

Retrieve AuthToken Secret name

oc get serviceaccount -n kube-system -o yaml tetration

This may output multiple "secret" names

  • I grabbed both, as one of them will work

oc get secret -n kube-system -o yaml tetration-dockercfg-6mk6l

Copy the token

Create Tetration External Orchestrator Configuration

Type - K8s Name/Description Paste the Token in "Auth Token" Check "Accept Self-signed Cert" Disable Secure Connector if necessary Host list - Enter URL of API server along with port Golden Rules - Enter port of kubelet 10250

In the output look for "ID" this is the cluster ID and can be used for Scopes/Filters

Master node(s):

TCP 6443* Kubernetes API Server TCP 2379-2380 etcd server client API TCP 10250 Kubelet API TCP 10251 kube-scheduler TCP 10252 kube-controller-manager TCP 10255 Read-Only Kubelet API

Worker nodes:

TCP 10250 Kubelet API TCP 10255 Read-Only Kubelet API TCP 30000-32767 NodePort Services

Create Scope

  • Name & Type - Kubernetes
  • Query = ✻ orchestrator_system/cluster_name contains Openshift
  • Query = ✻ orchestrator_system/cluster_id =

Create Inventory Filter for Openshift and the Worker Nodes

  • Name
  • Query = ✻ orchestrator_system/cluster_id =

Worker Nodes = ✻ orchestrator_system/cluster_id = and Address =

Create Software Agent Config Profile

  • Enable Enforcement
  • Enable Preserve Rules

Create Software Agent Intent Apply the recently created Profile to the Inventory Filter created for Openshift

Add agents via Daemonset

Download the agent

Open the agent shell script and copy it Paste the shell script in the install script yaml

Create a namespace for tetration and apply daemonset

oc create namespace tetration

"one of these will work" oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z tetration -n tetration oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n tetration

oc describe scc

  • check for PID

oc apply -f agent

oc get pods -n tetration oc get daemonset -n tetration

oc describe pod agent-24nmj -n tetration

With the k8s agent - exec format error - ./kubectl: cannot execute binary file


Deployment notes integrating Openshift on Azure with Secure Workload


Language:Shell 88.4%Language:Dockerfile 11.6%