its0x08 / exe-scan

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exe scan

An experimental windows executable scanner that uses github-actions to process the input

These actions are used to statically scan executables automatically. Below you can see an example output of the yara scan.

disable_dep [] [author="x0r",description="Bypass DEP",version="0.1"] input/mal.exe
keylogger [] [author="x0r",description="Run a keylogger",version="0.1"] input/mal.exe
Njrat2 [] [description="detect njRAT in memory",author="JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group",rule_usage="memory scan",hash1="d5f63213ce11798879520b0e9b0d1b68d55f7727758ec8c120e370699a41379d"] input/mal.exe
Njrat [RAT] [description="Njrat",author="botherder"] input/mal.exe
NETexecutableMicrosoft [] [author="malware-lu"] input/mal.exe
IsPE32 [PECheck] [] input/mal.exe
IsNET_EXE [PECheck] [] input/mal.exe
IsWindowsGUI [PECheck] [] input/mal.exe
Microsoft_Visual_Studio_NET [PEiD] [] input/mal.exe
Microsoft_Visual_C_v70_Basic_NET_additional [PEiD] [] input/mal.exe
Microsoft_Visual_C_Basic_NET [PEiD] [] input/mal.exe
Microsoft_Visual_Studio_NET_additional [PEiD] [] input/mal.exe
Microsoft_Visual_C_v70_Basic_NET [PEiD] [] input/mal.exe
NET_executable_ [PEiD] [] input/mal.exe
NET_executable [PEiD] [] input/mal.exe

An example input file can be found here and the rules used for this project are listed below. More rules are to be added in the future!


Go to repository Settings > Secrets > Actions > New repository secret

Name => EMAIL

Secret => Your email here.
