itkhanz / Appium-Test

Appium solution for the mobile automation challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Appium DCS Assignment

  • This project is a solution for the DCS Test Study assignment and automates important scenarios for the automation.
  • This is by no-means a full-fledged automation framework, rather a solution to a challenge task.
  • It implements POM/Page Factory and Widget design patterns.


This project is built and tested with the following dependencies:

  • JAVA JDK 17.0.2
  • Gradle 8.2.1
  • Node 18.16.0
  • Appium Server 2.0.1 or higher
  • Appium UiAutomator2 driver 2.29.4 or higher
  • Android Studio
    • Android_HOME SDK, platform-tools and cmdline-tools set in environment variables
    • Check if ADB is globally installed with adb --version
    • Android Emulator
      • For example, Pixel 5 with Android 13.0 Google Play | x86_64
  • GIT Bash


  • Java 17 as programming language
  • Appium Java Client 9.0.0 as native app automation library
  • TestNG as testing framework to support the test creation and hooks
  • AssertJ as the fluent assertion library
  • Log4j2 as the logging management strategy
  • Owner to minimize the code to handle properties files


Use appium doctor to check if your system has been successfully setup with appium

Run the command appium-doctor to verify the setup (Xcode is not required for this task)

appium doctor output

Application Under Test


A fork of Google's Android ApiDemos application, used for testing Appium

Test Cases

There are a total of 05 test cases implemented.

TestCase 01: Scroll to element, and select value from dropdown

  • Click on "Views" Tab
  • Scroll down to the "Spinner" tab (which is not initially visible on-screen) and click
  • Select blue color from the dropdown list
  • Verify that the blue color is selected in dropdown

TestCase 02: Handle unexpected popup automatically

  • Click on "App"
  • Click on "Alert Dialogs"
  • Assuming we have this dialog that can appear automatically on alerts screen:
    • Simulate the appearance of this popup by:
      • Click on "OK Cancel dialog with a message"
  • Click on "List dialog"
  • Validate the appearance of this dialog
    • This command will only be successfully if the popup alert displayed in previous step is handled automatically

TestCase 03: Find all connected Device UDIDs and Disable WiFi of device not connected to Internet

  • This test case uses ADB Shell commands to execute the task
  • It first finds out all the connected devices UDIDs
  • It then filters out the devices that are not connected to internet over Wi-Fi
  • For each of the filtered device:
    • It switches off the Wi-Fi
    • And validates that Wi-Fi is disabled

TestCase 04-05 (Bonus/Optional): Appium Widget Implementation

This test case validates the list of elements on Headers Screen as Widgets

  • Click on "Preference"
  • Click on "08. Headers"
  • Validate the Preference Total Count
  • Validate the second Preference's title and description

Running Tests

  • Create the Android Emulator and start it from Android Studio.
    • You can get the UDID of emulator with the following adb command adb devices
  • Clone the repo
  • Open the project build.gradle in IDE of your choice and install the project dependencies.
    • IntelliJ IDEA is recommended.
  • Configure the following according to your system setup:
    • appium server host and port inside src/test/resources/
    • android UDID of the emulator inside src/test/resources/
  • For the WiFi test, attach a real android device to your phone with developer mode enabled, and USB Debugging mode also enabled.
    • Setup this phone such that WiFi is switched on but not connected to any SSID
    • TC_03 will scan all the connected devices and switch off the WiFi for device that is not connected to internet
  • Start the Appium server with uiautomator2 driver for android via terminal:
appium --use-drivers=uiautomator2

To keep things simple, we are not starting appium server programmatically

  • Use IDE Terminal or navigate to the project root directory and run following command in terminal:
gradle clean test
  • You can also run the tests from IDE by right-clicking the test package and selecting "Run Tests in 'tests'"

  • Gradle terminal output for the project looks like below:

running tests from IDE

  • It will run the whole regression suite comprising of 5 test cases split between 4 test classes.

  • Results will be available in terminal after the build is finished.

  • TestNG HTML report is generated and available at test-output/index.html

  • Gradle HTML report is generated and available at gradle-reports/index.html

  • Gradle terminal output for the project looks like below:

gradle terminal output


Appium solution for the mobile automation challenge


Language:Java 100.0%