itk-dev / devops_itkdev-docker

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ITK-dev docker setup

This repository contains the custom images used by ITK-dev to support docker in development and production. It also contains tools to make docker usage easier in development.

Docker install

Recommend to that you install Docker Desktop for Mac and create account at the account can be link to "itkdev" organisation allow you to push new images.


Requirement for all commands to work

You need to have some local packages installed via brew for all things to work.

Completions don't work with the bash completion that comes with macOS. So please install a newer version:

brew install bash-completion

Note: You have to follow the instructions brew writes to get it working (use brew info bash-completion to show the info).

The database sync will not work if you don't have a local mysql client installed:

brew install mysql-client

Note: You have to follow the instructions brew writes to get it working (use brew info mysql-client to show the info).

If you use the Dory revers proxy required to run DDF CMS unmodified you need to install dory. We only use dory for DPL/DDF shared projects (multi supplier projects).

brew install dory


The templates directory contains templates for adding the itkdev docker-compose setup to new or exiting projects.

rsync -avz templates/<TYPE>/ <PATH TO HTDOCS FOLDER>

Also create an .env file beside the docker-compose.yml file that contains COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=<NAME> to namespace the docker setup for the projekt.

Docker commands

Start containers: docker-compose up -d

Stop containers: docker-compose stop

Stop and remove containers: docker-compose down

List containers in the project: docker-compose ps

Restart container: docker-compose restart <CONTAINER NAME>

Helper scripts

The scripts/itkdev-docker-compose script makes it easier to run common commands in the docker containers.

Add the scripts directory to your PATH environment variable to run the script from your docker-compose project.

If you're using the bash shell, run

echo 'export PATH="'$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/scripts':$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

to add the script to your PATH. If you're running zsh, run

echo 'export PATH="'$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/scripts':$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

After updating your path, run itkdev-docker-compose in your project folder to see what the script can do.


The helper script uses an .env file in the root of the project for projekt base configuration.

The COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME is always required and the script will stop execution if any of the need variables have not been set when needed.

Example .env file

REMOTE_DB_DUMP_CMD='drush --root=/data/www/ereolen_dk/htdocs sql-dump'
REMOTE_EXCLUDE=(ting styles advagg_*)

SSL certification support

This setup comes with self-signed wildcard certificates for *, but other certificates can be generated by using this openssl command on Mac, just change the two places where the domain is written.

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout docker.key -out docker.crt -subj "/CN=*" -reqexts SAN -extensions SAN -config <(cat /usr/local/etc/openssl/openssl.cnf <(printf '[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:*'))

To mac browser trust this certificate you need to open it with key-chain right click and select "Get info" and then open the "Trust" tab and select "Always trust".

The certificate is located in ./treafik/ssl/docker.crt in this repository.



You can install completions for bash by running:

ln -s $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/completion/bash/itkdev-docker-compose-completion.bash $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/itkdev-docker-compose


You can install completions for zsh by updating fpath in ~/.zshrc, e.g. by running:

echo "fpath=($(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/completion/zsh \$fpath) # itkdev-docker " >> ~/.zshrc

Docker UI

If you want a graphical user interface to see what images and containers are running in you local setup you can use "potainer".

docker run -d -p 9080:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer

Open you browser at and follow the on-screen instructions.

ITK Images

At ITK-dev we have created docker images that matches our development.

The fuld list can be found at


For more details about usage see

Previous versions

NFS mounts removed

From version 3.0.0 the feature to use NFS mounted name-volumes has been removed because it is no longer compatible with MacOS. (@see docker/for-mac#6544)

If you have previously enabled NFS with nfs:enable you should clean up as follows:

sudo nano /etc/exports
# Delete the line matching this pattern, and save you changes
# /System/Volumes/Data/Users -alldirs -mapall=501:20 localhost

sudo nano /etc/nfs.conf
# Delete the line matching this pattern, and save you changes
# nfs.server.mount.require_resv_port = 0

# Restart the NFS deamon
sudo nfsd restart



Language:Shell 59.7%Language:VCL 21.5%Language:PHP 14.7%Language:Dockerfile 4.0%