itinance / sql-schema-lite

A simple SQL-builder in modern JavaScript especially for SQLite3

Repository from Github https://github.comitinance/sql-schema-liteRepository from Github https://github.comitinance/sql-schema-lite



This is something like a SQL-Builder primarily in the context of mobile applications or web applications using Sqlite3, which is present on mobile devices and in any modern web browser (websql is sqlite3 under the hood).

It takes concrete schema definitions and supports the developer with building specific SQL-statements like SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE. (DDL-statements like CREATE TABLE/ALTER TABLE are coming soon)

The library is supposed to be a loosely coupled SQL builder library without any bindings to concrete OS-related or database-related implementations, but can be used as a base library around SQL-statement building for those advanced implementations. So feel free to use this in any environment (whether it is server side with NodeJS, client side on browsers or cross platform mobile applications with Cordova, ReactNative and so on...)

That means, this library is NOT an ORM-implementation (Object relational mapper), but it is the outsourced part of a ReactNative-specific library react_native_sqlite_orm on top of react-native-sqlite-storage supporting sqlite3 for both iOS and Android, that is currently under heavy development and not being published yet (coming very soon).


via yarn:

yarn add sqlite-schema-lite

via npm:

npm install --save sqlite-schema-lite

Running tests

Tests are written with jest. You need to install the jest-client best globally: npm install jest-cli.

yarn install

Or if you're still using npm:

npm i


Define a schema per JS or JSON:

const schemaContact = {
  name: 'contact',
  defaultVersion: 1,

  // Version 1:

  1: {
    id: {
      type: SqliteTypes.INTEGER,
      autoIncrement: true,
      primaryKey: true,
    first_name: {
      type: SqliteTypes.TEXT,
      index: true,
      nullable: true,
    last_name: {
      type: SqliteTypes.TEXT,
      index: true,
      nullable: false,
    street: {
      type: SqliteTypes.TEXT,
      index: true,
      nullable: false,
    postalcode: {
      type: SqliteTypes.INTEGER,
      index: true,
      nullable: false,
    city: {
      type: SqliteTypes.TEXT,
      index: true,
      nullable: false,

Let's create SQL-statements for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE automatically:

const schema = new ModelSchema( schemaContact )
const sql = new SqlBuilder(schema)

const entity = {
  id: 10,
  first_name: 'Alfons',
  last_name: 'Zitterbacke',
  street: 'Friedenseck 8',
  postalcode: '15232',
  city: 'Frankfurt (Oder)'

console.log( sql.update(entity) )

update() returns a plain object containing the SQL-statement as is with prepared statements and the parameter-array containing all parameters. It takes note of primary keys and use them as WHERE-statement for a specific record update:

  stmt: 'UPDATE contact SET first_name=?, last_name=?, street=?, postalcode=?, city=? WHERE id=?',
  params: ['Alfons', 'Zitterbacke', 'Friedenseck 8', '15232', 'Frankfurt (Oder)', 10]


Contributors are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open discussions.

In case of submitting pull requests (highly appreciated) please keep in mind that we are [test driven] (


Hagen Hübel, Munich/Starnberg, Germany

Fullstacker, currently massive ReactNative developer & consultant



A simple SQL-builder in modern JavaScript especially for SQLite3

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%