itga / awsume-console-plugin

This is a plugin that enables you to use your assumed role credentials to open the AWS console in your default browser.

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Awsume Console Plugin

Awsume 4+ only.

This is a plugin that enables you to use your assumed role credentials to open the AWS console in your default browser.


pip install awsume-console-plugin

If you've installed awsume with pipx, this will install the console plugin in awsume's virtual environment:

pipx inject awsume awsume-console-plugin


There are two ways to use this plugin.

  • Use your current environment variables to open the console
    • awsume -c Will open the AWS console using the current environment variables
  • Use the credentials returned from an awsume call
    • awsume <profile_name> -c Will run awsume on <profile_name> as it normally would, but will open the console using the credentials from running awsume on <profile_name>.
  • Get a console link
    • awsume <profile_name> -cl Will run awsume on <profile_name> as it normally would, but will print a link to the console using the credentials from running awsume on <profile_name> and not attempt to open the default browser.
  • Redirect to a service
    • awsume <profile_name> -cs <service> Will run awsume on <profile_name> as it normally would, but will open the console to a specific service page using the credentials from awsume.

Get Console Link

  • If you want to get the url itself instead of trying to open the console, use:
awsume <profile_name> -cl


awsume <profile_name> --console-link

Service Page

  • If you want to get a url that redirects you to a specific console's service page, use the -cs flag
awsume <profile_name> -cs cloudformation


awsume <profile_name> --console-service cloudformation

You can combine the console link and console service modifiers to print a link that redirects you to a specific service page:

awsume <profile_name> -cls cloudformation


awsume <profile_name> --console-link-service cloudformation


Some services have urls that are less-than-obvious. For instance, the step functions console url is /states, lightsail is /ls, etc. For this reason a default mapping is maintained to catch some of those common issues. Here's a list of what input maps to what url:

input url
cfn cloudformation
ddb dynamodb
ssm systems-manager
stepfunctions states
sfn states
org organizations
api apigateway
api apigateway
cfnt cloudfront
cw cloudwatch
codecommit codesuite/codecommit
codebuild codesuite/codebuild
codedeploy codesuite/codedeploy
codepipeline codesuite/codepipeline
code codesuite
r53 route53
route route53
lightsail ls
eb elasticbeanstalk
sar serverlessrepo
sgw storagegateway
wat wellarchitected
sso singlesignon
waf wafv2

You can maintain your own custom mapping if you want, too. The global configuration property is used to add additional service mappings.

    c: cloudformation

That config will add a mapping from input of c to a url of cloudformation.

Custom URLs

If you supply a url to the console service modifier, that url will be used as the redirect url. So if you want to view the cloudwatch logs for a lambda in a specific account, you can run:

awsume <profile> -cs<my_function>

Custom Command

You can use awsume's configuration to store a custom command (in the console.browser_command key) that will be executed instead of the default The command will be used with python's str.format call, so that you can supply where the url should go.

Format arguments:

  • url - the console url
  • profile - the profile name


The following will open chrome using a unique profile so that you can open N-number of AWS consoles concurrently.

Note you may need to adjust the path and other arguments on your machine.

$ awsume --config set console.browser_command "\"/Applications/Google Chrome\" --profile-directory=/tmp/{profile} \"{url}\""

The following will open chrome in incognito mode

$ awsume --config set console.browser_command "\"/Applications/Google Chrome\" -incognito \"{url}\""


This is a plugin that enables you to use your assumed role credentials to open the AWS console in your default browser.


Language:Python 100.0%