itenfay / DYFRuntimeProvider

Wraps the runtime, and can quickly use for the transformation of the dictionary and model, archiving and unarchiving, adding a method, exchanging two methods, replacing a method, and getting all the variable names, property names and method names of a class.

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DYFRuntimeProvider wraps the runtime of Objective-C, and provides some common usages(Swift Version).

License MIT  CocoaPods Version  CocoaPods Platform 

Group (ID:614799921)


Using CocoaPods:

target 'Your target name'

pod 'DYFRuntimeProvider'
pod 'DYFRuntimeProvider', '~>'


Add #import "DYFRuntimeProvider.h" to your source code.

Gets all the method names of a class

1. Gets all method names of an instance of a class

NSArray *instMethods = [DYFRuntimeProvider supplyMethodListWithClass:UITableView.class];
NSLog(@"========instMethods: %@", instMethods);

2. Gets all class method names of a class

NSArray *clsMethods = [DYFRuntimeProvider supplyClassMethodListWithClass:UIView.class];
NSLog(@"========clsMethods: %@", clsMethods);

Gets all variable names of a class

NSArray *ivars = [DYFRuntimeProvider supplyIvarListWithClass:UIButton.class];
NSLog(@"========ivars: %@", ivars);

Gets all the property names of a class

NSArray *properties = [DYFRuntimeProvider supplyPropertyListWithClass:UIButton.class];
NSLog(@"========properties: %@", properties);

Take this class as an example. e.g.:

@interface Teacher : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger age;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *address;

- (void)eatWithFoods:(NSDictionary *)foods;
- (void)runWithStep:(NSInteger)step;
- (void)run2WithStep:(NSInteger)step;

+ (void)decInfo:(NSString *)name age:(NSInteger)age;
+ (void)decInfo2:(NSString *)name age:(NSInteger)age;


@implementation Teacher

- (void)eatWithFoods:(NSDictionary *)foods
    NSLog(@"========%@ eat foods: %@", _name, foods);

- (void)runWithStep:(NSInteger)step
    NSLog(@"========%s 1 %@ runs %ld steps", __func__, _name, step);

- (void)run2WithStep:(NSInteger)step
    NSLog(@"========%s 2 %@ runs %ld steps", __func__, _name, step);

+ (void)decInfo:(NSString *)name age:(NSInteger)age
    NSLog(@"========decInfo name: %@, age: %ld", name, age);

+ (void)decInfo2:(NSString *)name age:(NSInteger)age
    NSLog(@"========decInfo2 name: %@, age: %ld", name, age);

Adds a method

void rt_eatWithFoods2(id self, SEL _cmd, NSDictionary *foods)
    NSLog(@"========%@, %@ eat foods: %@", self, NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), foods);

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    SEL eatSel = NSSelectorFromString(@"rt_eatWithFoods:");
    [DYFRuntimeProvider addMethodWithClass:Teacher.class selector:eatSel impSelector:@selector(eatWithFoods:)];
    SEL eatSel2 = NSSelectorFromString(@"eatWithFoods2:");
    [DYFRuntimeProvider addMethodWithClass:Teacher.class selector:eatSel2 imp:(IMP)rt_eatWithFoods2 types:"v@:@"];
    Teacher *teacher = [[Teacher alloc] init];
    #pragma clang diagnostic push
    #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
    if ([teacher respondsToSelector:eatSel]) {
        [teacher performSelector:eatSel withObject:@{@"name": @"meat", @"number": @1}];
    if ([teacher respondsToSelector:eatSel2]) {
        [teacher performSelector:eatSel2 withObject:@{@"name": @"meat", @"number": @1}];
    #pragma clang diagnostic pop

Exchanges two methods

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    [DYFRuntimeProvider exchangeMethodWithClass:Teacher.class selector:@selector(runWithStep:) anotherSelector:@selector(run2WithStep:)];
    Teacher *teacher = [[Teacher alloc] init];
    [teacher runWithStep:50];
    [teacher run2WithStep:100];
    [DYFRuntimeProvider exchangeClassMethodWithClass:Teacher.class selector:@selector(decInfo:age:) anotherSelector:@selector(decInfo2:age:)];
    [Teacher decInfo:@"David" age:40];
    [Teacher decInfo2:@"Liming" age:28];

Replaces a method

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    [DYFRuntimeProvider replaceMethodWithClass:Teacher.class selector:@selector(runWithStep:) targetSelector:@selector(run2WithStep:)];
    Teacher *teacher = [[Teacher alloc] init];
    [teacher runWithStep:50];
    [teacher run2WithStep:100];

Swizzle two methods

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    [DYFRuntimeProvider swizzleMethodWithClass:Teacher.class selector:@selector(runWithStep:) swizzledSelector:@selector(run2WithStep:)];
    Teacher *teacher = [[Teacher alloc] init];
    [teacher runWithStep:50];
    [teacher run2WithStep:100];
    [DYFRuntimeProvider swizzleClassMethodWithClass:Teacher.class selector:@selector(decInfo:age:) swizzledSelector:@selector(decInfo2:age:)];
    [Teacher decInfo:@"David" age:40];
    [Teacher decInfo2:@"Liming" age:28];

The transformation of dictionary and model

1. Converts the dictionary to model

Teacher *teacher = (Teacher *)[DYFRuntimeProvider asObjectWithDictionary:@{@"name": @"高粟", @"age": @26, @"address": @"xx市xx"} forClass:Teacher.class];
if (teacher) {
    NSLog(@"========teacher: %@, %@, %ld, %@", teacher,, (long)teacher.age, teacher.address);

Teacher *teacher2 = [[Teacher alloc] init];
[DYFRuntimeProvider asObjectWithDictionary:@{@"name": @"高粟", @"age": @26, @"address": @"xx市xx"} forObject:teacher2];
NSLog(@"========teacher2: %@, %@, %ld, %@", teacher2,, (long)teacher2.age, teacher2.address);

2. Converts the model to dictionary

NSDictionary *dict = [DYFRuntimeProvider asDictionaryWithObject:teacher];
NSLog(@"========dict: %@", dict);

Archives and unarchives

Take this class as an example. e.g.:

@interface Transaction : NSObject <NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger state;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *productIdentifier;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *userIdentifier;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *originalTransactionTimestamp;

@implementation Transaction

- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        [DYFRuntimeProvider decode:aDecoder forObject:self];
    return self;

- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder
    [DYFRuntimeProvider encode:aCoder forObject:self];


1. Archives

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    NSString *documentPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];
    NSString *filePath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@""];
    [self archive:filePath];

- (void)archive:(NSString *)path 
    Transaction *transaction = [[Transaction alloc] init];
    [DYFRuntimeProvider archiveWithObject:transaction forClass:Transaction.class toFile:path];


@implementation Transaction

- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder 
    [DYFRuntimeProvider encode:aCoder forObject:self];


2. Unarchives

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    NSString *documentPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];
    NSString *filePath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@""];
    [self unarchive:filePath];

- (void)unarchive:(NSString *)path 
    Transaction *transaction = [DYFRuntimeProvider unarchiveWithFile:path forClass:Transaction.class];


@implementation Transaction

- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        [DYFRuntimeProvider decode:aDecoder forObject:self];
    return self;


Add a catogory property

@interface UIApplication (Pt)
@property (nonatomic, strong) Teacher *teacher;

static NSString *kTeacherKey = @"TeacherKey";

@implementation UIApplication (Pt)

- (Teacher *)teacher
    return (Teacher *)[DYFRuntimeProvider getAssociatedObject:self key:&kTeacherKey];

- (void)setTeacher:(Teacher *)teacher
    [DYFRuntimeProvider setAssociatedObject:self key:&kTeacherKey value:teacher policy:OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC];

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    Teacher *teacher2 = [[Teacher alloc] init];
    [DYFRuntimeProvider asObjectWithDictionary:@{@"name": @"高粟", @"age": @26, @"address": @"xx市xx"} forObject:teacher2];
    UIApplication.sharedApplication.teacher = teacher2;
    NSLog(@"========teacher: %@", UIApplication.sharedApplication.teacher);

Get and modify instance variable property.

Teacher *teacher = (Teacher *)[DYFRuntimeProvider asObjectWithDictionary:@{@"name": @"高粟", @"age": @26, @"address": @"xx市xx"} forClass:Teacher.class];
NSString *teacherName = [DYFRuntimeProvider getInstanceVarWithName:@"_name" forObject:teacher];
NSLog(@"========teacher name: %@", teacherName);
[DYFRuntimeProvider setInstanceVarWithName:@"_name" value:@"李想" forObject:teacher];
NSLog(@"========teacher newName: %@",;


DYFRuntimeProvider is learned how to use under this Demo.

Feedback is welcome

If you notice any issue, got stuck to create an issue. I will be happy to help you.


Wraps the runtime, and can quickly use for the transformation of the dictionary and model, archiving and unarchiving, adding a method, exchanging two methods, replacing a method, and getting all the variable names, property names and method names of a class.



Language:Objective-C 94.5%Language:Ruby 5.5%