italiaremote/awesome-italia-remote Issues
Tags normalization
Updated 1New company guided workflow
Updated 1RAL range
Closed 4Bug caused by my previous fix 😅
Updated 2Remove "Rome Tools"
Closed 2Typo: talens
Updated 1Link broken for "BOOM"
Closed 3More Country ?
Closed 2URL validator
Updated 1Update Kiratech
Closed 3Split data.json / 1 json per company
Closed 9Useful infos column
Updated 3add officina-microtesti
Closed 1Add CODEOWNERS file.
Closed 1Offices column
UpdatedCheck filename with a regex
Closed 1Stellantis
Closed 5What is the list of categories?
Closed 1broken hiring_policies
Closed 1[Enhancement] Remote tags
Closed 4Allow multiple company type
Closed 2Consulting Company
Closed 4Alphabetical order
Closed 1