it-pappa / Ansible-Role_provision_k3s

Ansible Role for Provisioning k3s cluster

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Automated build of HA k3s Cluster with kube-vip and MetalLB

Fully Automated K3S etcd High Availability Install

This playbook will build an HA Kubernetes cluster with k3s, kube-vip and MetalLB via ansible.

This is based on the work from this fork which is based on the work from k3s-io/k3s-ansible. It uses kube-vip to create a load balancer for control plane, and metal-lb for its service LoadBalancer.

I have simple just rewrote the git as a role instead of a whole collection and renewed the code for Ansible 2.11 and later.

If you want more context on how this works, see:

πŸ“„ Documentation (including example commands)

πŸ“– k3s Ansible Playbook

Build a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible with k3s. The goal is easily install a HA Kubernetes cluster on machines running:

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS

on processor architecture:

  • x64

βœ… System requirements

  • Deployment environment must have Ansible 2.11.0+
  • server and agent nodes should have passwordless SSH access, if not you can supply arguments to provide credentials -ask-pass --ask-become-pass to ach command.
  • Please see examples/example inventory/site/group_vars for example of needed group vars for this role.

πŸš€ Getting Started


Change the inventory.ini files to the hosts




If multiple hosts are in the master group, the playbook will automatically set up k3s in HA mode with etcd.

This requires at least k3s version 1.19.1 however the version is configurable by using the k3s_version variable.

If needed, you can also edit inventory/my-cluster/group_vars/all.yml to match your environment.

Create Cluster

Start provisioning of the cluster using the following command:

ansible-playbook site.yml --ask-become-pass -i inventory/my-cluster/hosts.ini

After deployment control plane will be accessible via virtual ip-address which is defined in inventory/group_vars/all.yml as apiserver_endpoint

Remove k3s cluster

ansible-playbook reset.yml --ask-become-pass -i inventory/my-cluster/hosts.ini

βš™οΈ Kube Config

To copy your kube config locally so that you can access your Kubernetes cluster run:

scp debian@master_ip:~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config

Thanks to these repos for code and ideas:


Ansible Role for Provisioning k3s cluster


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