voyagerCompass HUD by Unknown_GTX. V1.1
Install for Arma3 Exile XM8 apps:
Install ExAd by @Janski
Drop the compass folder into your.mission\ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\compass
In config.cpp search for class CFGXM8
Add the following to extraApps[] = { };
The line should now read: extraApps[] = {"Compass"};
- Underneath the extraApps line add the compass button:
class Compass
title = "Compass";
controlID = 80000; //IDC:50200 -> 50102 || These need to be unique and out of range from each other
logo = "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\compass\compass.paa";
quickFunction = "ExileClientXM8CurrentSlide = 'apps';closeDialog 0;[] execVM 'ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\compass\voyagerCompass.sqf'";
Big thanks to Unknown_GTX for this cool script.