ispan55 / AWS

Get the current weather at specific coordinates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS - Arma Weather Synchronize

This extension let you synchronize the weather in Arma with the realworld weather. Default the extension will retrieve the current weather at the island "Stratis", or "Altis".

Note: This extension requires that you have Arma2NET installed.

Extract the AWS-folder into Arma2Net/Addins/ and include @Arma2NET as a mod.

Retrieve weather information

To retieve the current weather information from (default) Stratis, you use this code: _CurrentWeatherInformation = "Arma2Net.Unmanaged" callExtension "AWS YourAPIKey,Stratis/Altis";
You can get your own API-key by registrating on this site
Since the extension will return it as a string, you have to compile it first. _CurrentWeatherInformation = call compile _CurrentWeatherInformation;

_CurrentWeatherInformation is a array containing multiple values: ["4.96", "105", "partly-cloudy-day", [2014, 1, 14, 16, 45], "0", "0.0381", "9.88", "0.32"] In the order -> Windspeed,windbearing,Condition, array containing the current date in the format [Year,Month,Date,Hour,Minute], Visibility,precipIntensity,Temperature,cloudCover

Read here(under "si") for more information about what unit each value is in.


Condition will have any of the following values: clear-day, clear-night, rain, snow, sleet, wind, fog, cloudy, partly-cloudy-day, partly-cloudy-night

So, to retieve what condition the current weather is, you execute: _weatherCondition = _CurrentWeatherInformation select 2;

If you wish to set synchronize the date, you execute: _date = _CurrentWeatherInformation select 3; setDate _date;


Get the current weather at specific coordinates

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:SQF 100.0%