isma90 / boilerplate-typescript

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Boilerplate Typescript

Archetype for creating microservices based on Typescript, Express, Winston Logger and Docker to be deployed in any container manager like Kubernetes (you need to provide that configuration).


This archetype uses the Common-class library which abstracts to some extent the configuration of the controllers, roters and that also has a utility class to validate schemas API input (reference in annex at the end of the readme).

Quick Start

Get started developing...

# install deps
yarn install

# run in development mode
yarn dev

# run tests
yarn test

How do I modify the example API and make it my own?

There are two key files:

  1. server/routes.ts - This references the implementation of all of your routes. Add as many routes as you like and point each route your express handler functions.

Install Dependencies

Install all package dependencies (one time operation)

yarn install

Run It

Run in development mode:

Runs the application is development mode. Should not be used in production

yarn dev

or debug it

yarn dev:debug

Run in production mode:

Compiles the application and starts it in production production mode.

yarn compile
yarn prod

Test It

Run the Mocha unit tests

yarn test

or debug them

yarn test:debug

Get Covergate report

yarn test-coverage

Try It

  • Open your browser to http://localhost:8085
  • Invoke the /service endpoint
    curl http://localhost:8085/service/v1/health

Debug It

Debug the server:

yarn dev:debug

Debug Tests

yarn test:debug

Anexo uso de librería Common clases


Creates an abstraction layer for the Routers and Controllers, also adds a standard response interface that is not mandatory to use it.


First install using yarn add common-clases


Import dependency import { Router } from 'common-clases';

Then extend our class from Router

export class MyClassRouter extends Router {

Now in the constructor of our class we have to pass to the super the controller that will handle the endpoints that let's add.


After this we can add the routes we need.

    this.router.get("/some-path", this.handler(this.Controller.myFunction));"/some-path-s", this.handler(this.Controller.myFunctions));

The complete example would be as follows:

import { Router } from 'common-clases';

export class MyClassRouter extends Router {

    constructor() {
        this.router.get("/some-path", this.handler(this.Controller.myFunction));"/some-path-s", this.handler(this.Controller.myFunctions));

Schema validation

Schemas must be created using Joi to do so, import the validation function and add it to the list of middleware, passing it the schema to validate.

import { schemaValidator } from 'common-clases';
import { requestSchema } from './schemas';

this.router.get("/some-path", [schemaValidator(requestSchema)], this.handler(this.Controller.myFunction));


Import dependency import {Controller} from "common-clases";

Then extend our controller class from Controller.

export class MyController extends Controller {

The constructor must receive request and response (express interfaces) and pass them to the super.

    constructor(req: Request, res: Response) {
        super(req, res);

Then in the functions you can get data from the request or add to the response using this.

    public myFunction() {
        const body = this.req.body;
        return this.res.json({}).send();

If you want to use the default interface, you only need to return:

    return this.response({payload: {some: ""}});

This returns a JSON with the following structure:

  "status": {
    "code": number,
    "techCode": string,
    "description": string
  "payload": any,

The complete example would be as follows:

import {Controller} from "common-clases";
import {Request, Response} from "express";

export class MyController extends Controller {
    constructor(req: Request, res: Response) {
        super(req, res);

    public myFunction() {
        const body = this.req.body;
        return this.res.json({}).send();



Language:TypeScript 86.0%Language:JavaScript 11.1%Language:Dockerfile 2.6%Language:Shell 0.3%