iseekwonderful / LG_SMILES_3rd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the source code for LG-HACKATHON hosted by DACON. The main objective of the competition was to predict the SMILES sequence given a chemical structure image. Our prediction achieved 0.99567 in private leaderboard(Tanimoto-Similarity based) Image

Model Weight

You can download the model weights from this dropbox link


Dependencies (with python =3.6)

conda environment

conda env create -f utils/LG_CONDA_ENV.yml

pip dependency

pip install utils/pip_requirements.txt

Data generation

generate molecule image datas

python training_data_generation/ 
python training_data_generation/ 

generate data information index

python training_data_generation/

data sampling

python training_data_generation/

How to train

data preprocessing

You will need to modify the src/ to accustom your directory setting.

# The data_dir should point the data directory folder. All training and testing files should be placed below
data_dir = Path('/home/jaeho_ubuntu/SMILES/data/')
train_dir = data_dir / 'train' # all train_<number>.png files should be under the train folder
test_dir = data_dir / 'test'  # all test_<number>.png files should be under the test folder
train_csv_dir = data_dir /'train.csv'  #train.csv file provided by LG 
# Sample submission directory
sample_submission_dir = data_dir /'sample_submission.csv'

# train_modified contains a modifed version of train.csv. 
# Information of the train/validation split is stored here. I saved in pickle just for efficiency
train_pickle_dir = data_dir /'train_modified.pkl'

### Data directory containing .hdf5, .json file files.
input_data_dir = data_dir / 'input_data'
base_file_name = 'seed_123_max75smiles'

### seed for train/val split
random_seed = 123

### Reversed_token_file used to map numbers to string. 
reversed_token_map_dir = input_data_dir/ f'REVERSED_TOKENMAP_{base_file_name}.json'

Running below scripts will return a .hdf5, .json files needed for training and testing.

# Only if you need to make training and validation set 
python --split True --train_file True
# If you need to make a test set provided by LG
python --test_file True


python --work_type train

if you want to train again form the checkpoint(saved model weight)

python --work_type train \
               --model_load_path <path where the model is saved> \
               --mode_load_num <model number>

How to test

When you run prediction with our model, you should choose whether to predict with a single model or an ensamble model. Turn either --work_type single_test or --work_type ensemble_test flags True.

simgle model test

single model test requires three flags: --model load path, --model load number, and --test file path

python --work_type single_test \
               --model_load_path <path where the model is saved> \
               --model_load_num <model number> \
               --test_file_path <path where the test images are saved>

ensemble test

ensemble model contains weight file of 5 single models. The test requires two flags: --model load path and --test file path Running this script also requires ./model/prediction_models.yaml which contains hyperparameters of the model and the type of model used. The models in the --model load path should match with this prediction_models.yaml file configurations.

python --work_type ensemble_test \
               --model_load_path <path where the model is saved> \
               --test_file_path <path where the test images are saved>

Optional Arguments

optional arguments types default help
--work_type str train' choose work type 'train' or 'test'
--encoder_type str 'wide_res' choose encoder model type 'wide_res', 'res', and 'resnext'
--seed int 1 set the seed of model
--decode_length int 140 length of decoded SMILES sequence
--emb_dim int 512 dimension of word embeddings
--attention_dim int 512 dimension of attention linear layers
--decoder_dim int 512 dimension of decoder RNN
--dropout float 0.5 droup out rate
--device str 'cuda' sets device for model and PyTorch tensors
--gpu_non_block bool True GPU non blocking flag
--cudnn_benchmark bool True set to true only if inputs to model are fixed size; otherwise lot of computational overhead
--epochs int 50 number of epochs to train for
--batch_size int 384 batch size
--workers int 8 for data-loading; right now, only 1 works with h5py
--encoder_lr float 1e-4 learning rate for encoder if fine-tuning
--decoder_lr float 4e-4 learning rate for decoer
--grad_clip float 5. clip gradients at an absolute value of
--fine_tune_encoder bool True fine-tune encoder
--model_save_path str 'graph_save' model save path
--model_load_path str None model load path
--model_load_num int None epoch number of saved model
--test_file_path str None test file path

Top 5-Model Results in Public Score

Pytorch Model Name Dimension Pubilic Score DataSet
Wide ResNet101-2 512 0.9729 OurDataSet2
Wide ResNet101-2 512 0.9625 OurDataSet1
ResNet152 512 0.9622 LG DataSet
ResNet152 256 0.9512 LG DataSet
ResNeXt-101-32x8d 256 0.9677 OurDataSet1



Language:Python 100.0%