iscas-tis / CHA

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CHA: a verification tool supports SVA-like assertions in Chisel

CHA is an assertion language and verification tool for Chisel programs built on top of ChiselTest, where we extend the Chisel assertion language with SystemVerilog assertions (SVA)-like temporal operators. This enables formal verification of Chisel hardware designs against general temporal properties.


The latest version of CHA can be found on GitHub:


Before you can use CHA, you need to install other dependencies as below.

1.SBT (the Scala Build Tool)

You need to install sbt, which will automatically fetch the appropriate version of Scala and Chisel based on on your project configuration. Please install sbt according to the instructions from sbt download.

2.[BtorMC](BTOR2, BtorMC and Boolector 3.0)

For Linux and Unix-like OS:

# Download and build Boolector
git clone
cd boolector

# Download and build Lingeling

# Download and build BTOR2Tools

# Build Boolector
./ && cd build && make install

For building and usage of Boolector on Windows, please see


The latest release of Spot is version 2.10.6: spot-2.10.6.tar.gz.

Follow the instructions to install and build.

make install

You can visit Spot installation for further detail.

4.Gtkwave (optional)

gtkwave is used to view counterexample written in VCD format if the assertion is violated.

Download CHA, matched FIRRTL and ChiselTest

The stable version is at testSVA branch, from the root directory configure and build as follows:

# Download
git clone
cd chisel3
git checkout testCHA
git submodule update --init


  1. Publish local Chiseltest, FIRRTL and Chisel

For local DUT Chisel project, you must publish local version of Chiseltest, FIRRTL and Chisel first.

# publish local version of Chiseltest, firrtl, Chisel

cd chiseltest
sbt publishLocal
cd ../firrtl
sbt publishLocal
cd ../
sbt publishLocal
  1. Modify dependency of local DUT Chisel project
update libraryDependencies in build.sbt as
"" %% "chisel3" % "3.7-SNAPSHOT",
"" %% "chiseltest" % "0.7-SNAPSHOT" % "test",
"" %% "firrtl" % "1.6-SNAPSHOT",
  1. Add necessary lib

    You need to add javabdd and jhoafparser as external dependency in lib folder.

  2. Run a test

    testOnly Yourtestclassname
  3. Result CHA will show the property passes or provide a counterexample. If you have installed gtkwave, you could view VCD waveform witness in test_run_dir .

GCD example

Here is an example test of GCD. For a 4-bit GCD project, we can verify that the program must end within 16 cycles.

  1. DUT project: (Design file is in

    class DecoupledGcd(val bitWidth: Int) extends Module {
      // module body
  2. Add the assertion:

    class DecoupledGcdProp1(width: Int) extends DecoupledGcd(width: Int){
      chaAssert(this, "busy |->  ##[1:15] nBusy")
  3. Create a test class:

    class DecoupledGcdSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with ChiselScalatestTester with Formal {
      behavior of "DecoupledGcd"
      it should "pass" in {
        verify(new DecoupledGcdProp1(4), Seq(BoundedCheck(150), BtormcEngineAnnotation))
  4. Run a test

    testOnly DecoupledGcdSpec
  5. When test case completed, you can find test results in test_run_dir.


Verification of Cache design in Nutshell

We apply our tool in the cache design of Nutshell. By "assume-guarantee" reasoning, we add some assumptions and assistant assertions to prove the "requst-response" property of the cache.

(Inserted temporal properties are in

The CHA Format

Sequence Format

s := u | (s) | s ##m s | s ##[m:n] s | s | s | s[*m] | s[*m:n]
u ::= boolean expression
## ::= sequence fusion/concatenation
[*] ::= repetition

For example:

##[1:15] nBusy

Property Format

p := s | (p) | s|->p | !p | Gp | Fp | Xp | p U p | p||p | p&&p 

Sequence Operators

Name boolean sequence sequence fusion sequence concatenation sequence disjunction zero repetition intervals
SVA u ##0 ##1 or [*0] [*1:$]
SVA u ##0 ##1 [*0]

Property Operators

Name. suffix implication property negation property conjunction property disjunction nexttime property always property s_eventually property until property
SVA |-> not and or s_nexttime always s_eventually until
CHA |-> ! && || X G F U


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 99.4%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:C++ 0.1%Language:Verilog 0.1%Language:SystemVerilog 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:Fortran 0.0%