isaychris / side-collection

A side collection of small programs/games/scripts I wrote

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Small side programs/games. Screenshots provided in each folder

The classic hangman game where the user must guess a word. If the user fails to guess the correct word within a set amount of tries, they lose.

  • tictactoe

The classic two player tictactoe game. Here the users take turn placing down their X or O's in the boardmap. The boardmap is implempted through the use of an array. This was created to test out game programming patterns.

A rewrite and improved version of textRPG in python. Currently WIP.

Simple application that finds the price of cryptocurrency using the api from

  • vending

Just a simple vending machine where the user can select an item from a list, put some money in, and it returns the item and change.

  • pokebot-restarter:

A simple .bat script that will restart NecroBot or any other botting program.


A side collection of small programs/games/scripts I wrote


Language:C++ 62.2%Language:Python 33.4%Language:Batchfile 4.4%