isao / btags

ctags generated using babel's AST parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


btags is a ctags generator for JavaScript. In particular, it's made in order to support ES2015/ES2016 features and beyond, by using babylon, which is babel's AST tool.

The primary reason for using this over other ctags tools is for support of newer JavaScript features like class and import.

Contrived Example:

// file.js
import Foo from "foo";
import {q,r} from "zed";
import {john as jack} from "joe";

class FooFoo extends Foo {
    constructor () {
        this.x = 2

    foo (cb) {
        setTimeout(() => cb(1))

var x = 5;
let y = 4;
const a = 1, b=2;

function Bar () {
    this.baz = 1;

Bar.prototype.bonk = 2;
$ btags file.js
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT   2   /extended format/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED   0   /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR    Bryan English   /
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME  btags   //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL   /github repository/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION   1.0.0   //
Foo test.js 1;" i
q   test.js 2;" i
r   test.js 2;" i
jack    test.js 3;" i
constructor test.js 6;" f   class:FooFoo
foo test.js 10;"    f   class:FooFoo
FooFoo  test.js 5;" c
x   test.js 15;"    v
y   test.js 16;"    v
a   test.js 17;"    v
b   test.js 17;"    v
Bar test.js 19;"    c




ctags generated using babel's AST parser

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%