isamert / corg.el

🍾 Auto complete org-mode headers seamlessly

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


corg.el 🍾 is an Emacs package that provides completion-at-point for Org-mode source block and dynamic block headers. corg auto-completes programming language names, their parameters, and possible parameter values for source blocks. For dynamic blocks, it completes block names, their parameters, and possible parameter values.


  1. Install s.el and dash.el dependencies.
  2. Download corg.el to your Emacs load path.
  3. Add the following to your Emacs configuration file:
(require 'corg)

Or you can use use-package with one of straight, vc, quelpa, elpaca etc.

;; Using straight:
(use-package corg
  :straight (:host github :repo "isamert/corg.el"))

;; Using vc:
(use-package corg
  :vc (:url ""))

;; Using quelpa:
(use-package corg
  :quelpa (corg :fetcher github :repo "isamert/corg.el"))

;; Using elpaca:
(use-package corg
  :ensure (:host github :repo "isamert/corg.el"))

How it works?

  • Parses org-babel-common-header-args-w-values variable (generic completions) and respective org-babel-header-args:<LANG> (native completions) variables for available parameters and values.
  • Extracts potential parameters and their values by parsing the source code (source completions) and the documentation (doc completions) of executor functions for each org-babel-execute:<LANG> or org-dblock-write:<DBLOCK-NAME> functions.
  • It annotates the completions with one of doc, source, native, common to let you know how the completion is extracted. See the documentation of corg function to learn more about this.


To enable corg in current Org buffer, do M-x corg-setup or to automatically enable it on Org mode buffers by adding a hook (it has no noticeable performance penalty, so I guess it’s safe to do this):

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'corg-setup)

Simply place the cursor on the header line of an Org mode source block (starting with #+begin_src) or dynamic block (starting with #+begin:) and invoke completion-at-point (M-TAB or C-M-i) and let corg work for you.

In the screenshot above I use corfu and corfu-popupinfo as my completion UI. corg can also work with company through it’s capf backend.

For example, assuming the | is the cursor:

#+begin_src sql :d|

When invoke you completion-at-point, corg will suggest available parameters and values for the sql source block. In this case, it will list the following:

:dir         sql parameter (common)
:dbhost      sql parameter (native)
:dbport      sql parameter (native)
:dbuser      sql parameter (native)
:database    sql parameter (native)
:dbinstance  sql parameter (native)
:dbpassword  sql parameter (native)

Planned features

  • [ ] Provide a way to supply user-defined completion items for parameters and their values (probably through an alist).
    • This should include their documentation and their possible values.
    • Also provide a way to supply manual documentation and annotation with the manual completion. Documentation/annotation can be in the form of a function too.

Similar work

There is also org-block-capf but it only completes language names and it mostly works as a snippet manager for Org blocks rather than a completion tool. I guess corg and org-block-capf can be used together to complement each other but I haven’t tried it yet.


🍾 Auto complete org-mode headers seamlessly

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%