isaax2 / mobile-jhipster

Mobile Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster

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Mobile Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster

This set of apps was developed using this demo script. You can follow the steps to create your own versions, or just run the applications here.

A presentation describing mobile development with JHipster is available on Speaker Deck.

Prerequisites: Java 8+ and Node.js. For React Native, you'll also need to install CocoaPods.

Getting Started

Clone this application to your local hard drive using Git.

git clone

To run the JHipster app, start Keycloak, then use Gradle to start it.

cd mobile-jhipster/backend
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/keycloak.yml up -d

React Native

To run the React Native app, install its dependencies:

cd mobile-react-native
npm i

You can run it on iOS using react-native run-ios or on Android with react-native run-android.

You will need to run the following commands so your Android Virtual Device can talk to JHipster and Keycloak.

adb reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080
adb reverse tcp:9080 tcp:9080


To run the Ionic app, install its dependencies:

cd mobile-ionic
npm i

You can run it as a web app using ionic serve. To run it on iOS:

ionic cordova prepare ios
open platforms/ios/MyApp.xcworkspace

To run it on Android:

ionic cordova prepare android
studio platforms/android

Use Okta for Identity

Okta has Authentication and User Management APIs that reduce development time with instant-on, scalable user infrastructure. Okta's intuitive API and expert support make it easy for developers to authenticate, manage, and secure users and roles in any application.

You will need to create an OIDC Application in Okta to get your settings to log in.

  1. Log in to your developer account on or create a new one.
  2. Navigate to Applications and click on Add Application.
  3. Select Web and click Next.
  4. Give the application a name (e.g., JHipster is Awesome) and add http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/okta as a Login redirect URIs.
  5. Click Done, then edit the project, add http://localhost:8080 as a logout redirect URI, and click Save.

JHipster is configured by default to work with two types of users: administrators and users. Keycloak is configured with users and groups automatically, but you need to do some one-time configuration for your Okta organization.

Create a ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_USER group (Users > Groups > Add Group) and add users to them. You can use the account you signed up with, or create a new user (Users > Add Person). Navigate to API > Authorization Servers, and click on the the default server. Click the Claims tab and Add Claim. Name it groups, and include it in the ID Token. Set the value type to Groups and set the filter to be a Regex of .*. Click Create.

Create ~/.okta.env and specify the settings for your app; run source ~/.okta.env restart your app.

export SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_PROVIDER_OIDC_ISSUER_URI=https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default

For the React Native and Ionic apps with Okta, you'll need to create a Native app with PKCE, add the following URLs as login redirect URIs:

  • healthpoints://authorize
  • http://localhost:8100/implicit/callback
  • dev.localhost.ionic:/callback

Add logout URIs too:

  • http://localhost:8100/implicit/logout
  • dev.localhost.ionic:/logout

Add groups, given_name, and family_name as claims to the access token.

  • For given_name, use expression user.firstName
  • For family_name, use expression user.lastName

Modify mobile-react-native/app/modules/login/login.sagas.js to use the generated client ID.

const config = {
  clientId: `{yourClientId}'
  scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'email', 'address', 'phone', 'offline_access'],
  redirectUrl: `${AppConfig.appUrlScheme}://authorize`

For Ionic, update mobile-ionic/src/app/auth/auth.service.ts.

this.authConfig = {
  identity_client: `{yourClientId}`,
  identity_server: data.issuer,
  redirect_url: redirectUri,
  end_session_redirect_url: logoutRedirectUri,
  usePkce: true

Restart your mobile apps and log in with Okta!


This example uses the following open source libraries:


Please post any questions on Stack Overflow with a "jhipster" tag.


Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.


Mobile Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 39.1%Language:Java 29.2%Language:JavaScript 24.9%Language:HTML 4.0%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:Ruby 0.5%Language:Objective-C 0.4%Language:Python 0.2%Language:Shell 0.0%