is0n / fm-nvim

🗂 Neovim plugin that lets you use your favorite terminal file managers (and fuzzy finders) from within Neovim.

Repository from Github https://github.comis0n/fm-nvimRepository from Github https://github.comis0n/fm-nvim

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fm-nvim is a Neovim plugin that lets you use your favorite terminal file managers (and fuzzy finders) from within Neovim.

Supported File Managers

Supported Fuzzy Finders


Keep in mind that support for fuzzy finding is quite limited and using seperate plugins would be more practical.

1. Partial Support as files cannot be opened.

Demo and Screenshots:


















The following configuration contains the defaults so if you find them satisfactory, there is no need to use the setup function.

	-- (Vim) Command used to open files
	edit_cmd = "edit",

	-- See `Q&A` for more info
	on_close = {},
	on_open = {},

	-- UI Options
	ui = {
		-- Default UI (can be "split" or "float")
		default = "float",

		float = {
			-- Floating window border (see ':h nvim_open_win')
			border    = "none",

			-- Highlight group for floating window/border (see ':h winhl')
			float_hl  = "Normal",
			border_hl = "FloatBorder",

			-- Floating Window Transparency (see ':h winblend')
			blend     = 0,

			-- Num from 0 - 1 for measurements
			height    = 0.8,
			width     = 0.8,

			-- X and Y Axis of Window
			x         = 0.5,
			y         = 0.5

		split = {
			-- Direction of split
			direction = "topleft",

			-- Size of split
			size      = 24

	-- Terminal commands used w/ file manager (have to be in your $PATH)
	cmds = {
		lf_cmd      = "lf", -- eg: lf_cmd = "lf -command 'set hidden'"
		fm_cmd      = "fm",
		nnn_cmd     = "nnn",
		fff_cmd     = "fff",
		twf_cmd     = "twf",
		fzf_cmd     = "fzf", -- eg: fzf_cmd = "fzf --preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always --line-range :500 {}'"
		fzy_cmd     = "find . | fzy",
		xplr_cmd    = "xplr",
		vifm_cmd    = "vifm",
		skim_cmd    = "sk",
		broot_cmd   = "broot",
		gitui_cmd   = "gitui",
		ranger_cmd  = "ranger",
		joshuto_cmd = "joshuto",
		lazygit_cmd = "lazygit",
		neomutt_cmd = "neomutt",
        taskwarrior_cmd = "taskwarrior-tui"

	-- Mappings used with the plugin
	mappings = {
		vert_split = "<C-v>",
		horz_split = "<C-h>",
		tabedit    = "<C-t>",
		edit       = "<C-e>",
		ESC        = "<ESC>"

	-- Path to broot config
	broot_conf = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site/pack/packer/start/fm-nvim/assets/broot_conf.hjson"


Any of the following commands are fine...

  • Commands
    • :Neomutt
    • :Lazygit
    • :Joshuto
    • :Ranger
    • :Broot
    • :Gitui
    • :Xplr
    • :Vifm
    • :Skim
    • :Nnn
    • :Fff
    • :Twf
    • :Fzf
    • :Fzy
    • :Lf
    • :Fm
    • :TaskWarriorTUI

but you can add a directory path w/ the command (doesn't work with skim, fzy, or fzf).


:Lf ~/.config/nvim/


Q: What if I want to open files in splits or tabs?

A: Use any of the default mappings (unless you've changed them)...

  • <C-h> for horizontal split
  • <C-v> for vertical split
  • <C-e> for normal edit
  • <C-t> for tabs

Q: Can I run a function once exiting or entering the plugin?

A: Yes you can! Use the following code as a guide...

local function yourFunction()
	-- Your code goes here

	-- Runs yourFunction() upon exiting the floating window (can only be a function)
	on_close = { yourFunction },

	-- Runs yourFunction() upon opening the floating window (can only be a function)
	on_open = { yourFunction }

Q: What if I want to map <ESC> to close the window?

A: You can do this by mapping <ESC> to whatever closes your file manager (note that this may bring up other issues). This can be done with the following code...

	mappings = {
		-- Example for Vifm
		ESC        = ":q<CR>"

or you could map <ESC> to quit in your file manager...

Example for Lf:

map <esc> :quit

Q: Am I able to have image previews?

A: Yes and no. Assuming you are on Linux, it is possible with the help of tools like Ãœberzug. If you are on Mac or Windows, it is not possible.

Q: Can I use splits instead of a floating window

A: It's possible by changing the "default" option in the "ui" table to "split"

Q: Why isn't my Broot configuration working?

A: In order to support Broot, a custom configuration file is used, however, you can change this by modifying the broot_conf option to your configuration. Just be sure to include the following in your config file...

	verbs: [
			key: enter
			execution: ":print_path"
			apply_to: file


🗂 Neovim plugin that lets you use your favorite terminal file managers (and fuzzy finders) from within Neovim.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Lua 100.0%