irydacea / eidyia

Wesnoth Site Status Service Stateful Support Survey Bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Eidyia - Wesnoth Site Status Service Stateful Support Survey Bot

eidyia is a Discord and IRC bot that performs site status monitoring and reporting.

Most of the hard work is done by valen, which has its own Web front-end publicly available at The focus of eidyia is reporting any changes to the site status report directly to administrative areas on Wesnoth's official Discord guild and IRC channels.

Why this

You probably do not need this bot per se, but you may find it useful to adopt and adapt parts for your own projects along with the valen infrastructure. Most Wesnoth-specific parts of eidyia are easily customisable or even configurable through the main JSON config file.

Why the name

Eidyia is the name of an Oceanid, from Greek mythology. I intentionally chose the most annoying spelling to make as many Wesnoth developers' lives annoying as possible. They think they like C++ for some reason, after all.

I like to give my projects codenames during early production so I can procrastinate for as long as possible on coming up with a catchy name. Sometimes the codenames stick around long enough that they become the final production names; sometimes they don't.

Why the overly long full name

valen was internally WSS (Wesnoth Status Service) when I began writing it. I decided having the next component be WSSSSSS (or WS6 for short) would be appropriate.

Why Discord / Why IRC

IRC definitely has a lot of advantages over proprietary platforms, but its disadvantages are more visible to the average user. At the end of the day, I do not have the energy to proselytise for either camp, I just want to make a working status notification bot.


The minimum required interpreter version is Python 3.9.

There are a couple of required dependencies that need to be installed first for eidyia to run correctly:

python3 -m pip install -U ircrobots jsonc_parser watchdog


See the included eidyia_example.jsonc file for configuration instructions and examples. The file should be renamed to eidyia.jsonc and put in the same directory as the eidyia executable. An alternative option is to specify an explicit path to the configuration file by invoking the bot with the -c option.

Before running, you should make sure that at least one of the two client modules are properly configured — that is, either Discord, or IRC.

  • If using Discord, you must set up the bot on a Discord account, obtain a client token, and add it to the configuration file, and join the bot to the desired guilds. More information on this can be found in the next section.

  • If using IRC, you should gather any applicable network login information that the bot needs. Beware that currently, the bot's only mechanism for authenticating admins on IRC relies on the connected network supporting IRCv3 account-tag, as well as bot admins having valid services accounts on that network. Additionally, it is worth noting the bot supports SASL authentication for itself and it may even be required by the network for safety reasons.

eidyia supports a few command line arguments:

  • -d / --debug Increases log verbosity for hacking and debugging. It can be specified up to three times for additional debugging information (level 1: general, level 2: asyncio, level 3: Discord and IRC trace information).

  • -c CONFIG_FILE / --config CONFIG_FILE Specifies the path to the Eidyia JSON config file.

  • -C CLIENTS / --client CLIENTS  Specifies a comma-separated list of client modules that should be enabled if they are correctly configured in the JSON config file. By default this is discord,irc.

  • -r REPORT_FILE / --report REPORT_FILE Specifies the path to the Valen report file. The default path used if this is not provided in the command line is ./valen.json.

Generating a bot token

  1. Go into Discord’s Developer Portal and create a new Application.

  2. After creating your new Application with the desired name, description and icon, on the left pane choose Bot, then choose Add Bot, then confirm the action.

  3. The first time you see the Bot page, you will see the option to Copy the generated token to clipboard. If you navigate away from this page before copying the token, you will need to Reset it to a new one first, invalidating the previous token.

  4. Paste the token into the configuration file as the token option.

Joining the bot to guilds

  1. Return to the Developer Portal and select the bot’s parent application from the My Applications section.

  2. In the application’s General Information page, scroll down to the Application ID and choose Copy.

  3. In order to join the bot to a guild, replace the Application ID into the APPID portion of the URL below, and visit it as a user with the guild Administrator privilege:


Wesnoth Site Status Service Stateful Support Survey Bot

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%