irshadshalu / CP-CPP

Competitive Programming in CPP

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Custom Data Structures

Can be used for RSQ/RMQ in dynamic array, say, of N elements.

  • Build Routine: O(N) as total nodes in tree 1+2+4+8+...+2log2N ≈ 2N
  • Query: O(log2N) as, if required, need to traverse either left or right subtree at each node
  • Point Update: O(log2N)
  • Range Update: O(log2N) using lazy propagation

Fenwick, or Binary Indexed Tree can be used for RSQ (Range Sum Query) in dynamic array, say, of N elements

  • Build Routine: O(N * log2N)
  • Query: O(log2N)
  • Update: O(log2N)

Extension of Fenwick tree on 2D case. This code can find the sum on the rectangle and update any arbitrary element. If input matrix has dimension of M * N then,

  • Build Routine: O(M * N * log2M * log2N)
  • Query: O(log2M * log2N)
  • Update: O(log2M * log2N)

Can be used for RMQ in static array i.e. frequent queries and rare updation

  • Build Routine: O(N * log2N) as total different lengths for segment 1+2+4+..+log2N ≈ 2*log2N for each starting index
  • Query: O(1) as for rmq(i, j) just need to compare two segments of length ⌊log2(j-i+1)⌋ one starting at i and another ending at j
  • Update: O(N * log2N)

To model collection of disjoint sets. One application is in Kruskal MST.

  • Build: O(M * α(n)) using path compression and union by rank heuristics for M operations where α(n) is inverse ackerman function grows very slowly, typically <5 for 1M inputs can treat as constant.
  • Query: ≈ O(1) which set item belong to

Perform various palindrome operations in linear time

  • Maintain two root nodes for odd and even length palindromes.
  • Nodes represent palindromic substring with two pointers i.e. weighted edge to create new palindromic node and suffix link for longest proper palindromic suffix.
  • The suffix link is used when i-th character in the input string does not form palindrome with current node.
  • A short intutive implementation is available at PalindromicTree.cpp
  • Time Complexity: O(N) where N is length of input string

Hip Algorithm Routines

Divide an array of N elements in K (<= N) contiguous subarrays such that maximum of the sum of those subarrays is minimum.

  • DP Approach O(K * N2)

    Let dp[i][j] minimum subarray sum possible for i partitions and upto j elements, and sum[j] be cumulative sum for first j elements, then

      dp[i][0] = arr[0]
      dp[1][j] = sum[j];
      dp[i][j] = min{ max(dp[i-1][l], sum[j] - sum[l]) for 0 <= l < j } 
  • Binary Search O(N * log2(∑0<=i<N arr[i]))

    The required sum can be binary searched,

      low = min{ arr[i] }
      high = sum[N];
      find lowest mid with excatly K partitions

Given stick of length L and N cuts to be made to the stick in range (0 .. L). The cost of cut is determined by lenght of stick to cut. Find minimum cost for optimal cutting sequence.

  • DP Approach O(N3)

    Let dp[i][j] be the minimum cost to cut sticks between (i, j) and cuts be stored in arr with first element 0 and last L for markers, then

      dp[i-1][i] = 0
      dp[i][j] = min { dp[i][l] + dp[l][j] + arr[j] - arr[i] for i < l < j }
  • Knuth Yao Optimization O(N2)

    Let the optimal (first) mark to begin cut for dp[i][j] be stored in pos[i][j], then

      dp[i][j] = min { dp[i][l] + dp[l][j] + arr[j] - arr[i] for pos[i][j-1] < l < pos[i+1][j]}
      since dp[i][j] satisfy quadrangle inequality

Given a pattern of length M to search in text of length N.

  • Preprocessing O(M)

    Let lps[i] be the length of longest prefix suffix for pattern ending at i-1 index, then

      int i = 0, j = -1; lps[0] = -1;
      while(i < M) {
          while(j >= 0 && pat[i] != pat[j]) j = lps[j];
          i++, j++;
          lps[i] = j;
  • Text Search O(N)

    Basically, lps[i] has the index where to reset in case of mismatch, then

      int i = 0, j = -1;
      while(i < N) {
          while(j >= 0 && text[i] != pat[j]) j = lps[j];
          i++, j++;
          if(j == M) {
              // pattern found at i-j index
              j = lps[j];

Given a M * N matrix positive and negative integers, find the maximum possible sum of elements of a submatrix.

  • Extend Kadane O(M * N2)

    Create a cumulative row sum matrix sum[i][j] from input matrix mat[i][j], where sum[i][j] = sum[i][j-1] + mat[i][j] and sum[i][0] = mat[i][0], then,

      int ans = INT_MIN;
      for(int c1 = 0; c1 < N; ++c1)
      for(int c2 = c1; c2 < N; ++c2) {
          int current = 0;
          for(int r = 0; r < M; ++r) {
              current += (c1 == 0)? sum[r][c2]: sum[r][c2] - sum[r][c1-1];
              ans = max(ans, current);
              if(current < 0) current = 0;

Cut a M * N paper into minimum number of squares, for example 5 * 6 paper can be cut optimally in 5 squares of size 2 * 2 (3) and 3 * 3 (2).

  • Memoization Approach O(M * N)

    Recursively calculate minimum squares for i * j by following. Note that number of squares is always less than M * N, worst case if M == 1 || N == 1, so the recursive function calls or time complexity is bounded by same.

      if (i == j) return dp[i][i] = 1
      try vertical_cut (i * x) and (i * (j-x))
      try horizontal_cut (x * j) and ((i-x) * j)
      return dp[i][j] = min (vertical_cut, horizontal_cut) 

Given an array of integers of lenght N find the length of longest increasing subsequence.

  • DP + Greedy O(N * log2K)

    Here K is output sensitive length of LIS for input array.

      The idea is to maintain a vector l for l[i] reperesents smallest last element in length-i LIS. 
      For each element in array binary search is performed in vector l.

0-1 Knapsack

To find the maximum profit using N items such that total weight does not exceed W.

  • Classic Knapsack O(N * W)

    Each item can either be selected or not. The weight of each item be in array wt, then

      int knapsack(int W, vi wt) { int N = wt.size(); vector<vi> dp(N+1, vi(W+1, 0));
          for(int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) 
          for(int j = 0; j <= W; ++j)
              if(wt[i-1] > j) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j];
              else dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i-1][j - wt[i-1]] + val[i-1]);
      return dp[N][W]; }
  • Unbounded Knapsack O(W * N)

    Each item can be used any number of time, then

      int knapsack_unbound(int W, vi wt) { int N = wt.size(); vi dp(W+1, 0);
          for(int j = 0; j <= W; ++j)
          for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
              if(wt[i] <= j)
                  dp[j] = max(dp[j], dp[j - wt[i]] + val[i]);
      return dp[W]; }
  • Constrained Knapsack O(N * W * max_rep)

    Here, a count array is given with number of items available for each item type in vector ct, thus,

      int knapsack_constrained(int W, vi wt, vi ct) { int N = wt.size(); vector<vi> dp(N+1, vi(W+1, 0));
          for(int i = 1; i <= N; ++i)
          for(int k = 0; k <= ct[i-1]; ++k)
          for(int j = 0; j <= W; ++j)
              if(int w = k * wt[i-1]; j >= w) //c++17 
                  dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j], dp[i-1][j-w] + k * val[i-1]);
      return dp[N][W]; }

Given a non-empty string, encode the string such that its encoded length is the shortest.

The encoding rule is: k[encoded_string], where the encoded_string inside the square brackets is being repeated exactly k times.

Use DP: O(N^3)
                         { str[i..j]                  
 dp[i][j] =  min len of  { dp[i..mid] + dp[mid+1][j]      
                         { k[dp[i..end]] , where str[i..j] is repetition of str[i..end]
  • DS & Algorithms
  • System Design


Competitive Programming in CPP


Language:C++ 100.0%