ironprojects-webmadpt1019 / bike-control

A web app to control se reports of bike incidents

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A mobile app to show reports of bike assaults and to keep track of your bike's location


What is bike-control

It's an app that displays recorded reports of bike-related incidents.

To use it you have to register, once you're in you can view every report ever recorded, create your own and add bikes so you can keep track of their location. Every time you want to park a bike our algorithms will let you know if it's a sure place!

The layout is a map that displays points on different types of reports. You can also view your bikes!. Finally, we've added a heat map to let you see the hotspots of bike incidents everywhere!

How does it work

The server side of the app was developed with express, managing user auth with passport.

The DB has 3 collections: bikes, users, reports.

Each collection gives the ability to store the data necessary to give form to the app.

Each view is rendered with handlebars and the front-end logic is used to set buttons to navigate the app


The different collections are shown 👇🏻


The users only have a username, a password, and a name. The bike and report fields we plan on the future to add, giving more privacy to the data. They can be created and updated but not deleted

    username: { type: String, unique: true },
    name: { first: String, last: String },
    password: String,
    bike: [{ model: String, location: [Number] }],
    reports: [String]
    timestamps: true


The bike model has an owner that sets a relation with the user, it also has a GeoJSON type field for location.

    model: String,
    owner: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" },
    location: {
      type: { type: String, default: "Point" },
      coordinates: {
        type: [Number],
        required: false
    timestamps: true,
    toJSON: {
      transform(doc, ret) {
        delete ret.__v;
        delete ret.updatedAt;
        delete ret.createdAt;
        return ret;


Finally, the report model is a GeoJSON with the location and property to indicate what type of incident it is! To use a geospatial query it's necessary to create a 2dsphere index!!!

    location: {
      type: { type: String, default: "Point" },
      coordinates: {
        type: [Number],
        required: false
    properties: {
      incident: { type: String, default: "Theft" }
    timestamps: true,
    toJSON: {
      transform(doc, ret) {
        delete ret.__v;
        delete ret.updatedAt;
        delete ret.createdAt;
        return ret;

const schhemaWithIndex = schema.index({ location: "2dsphere" });

Map rendering

On the main page a map is shown (we use Mapbox), it has red, orange and yellow dots referring to the incidents; it also has green dots to show the user's bikes.

To collect the data for the map an AJAX request is sent to the server, retrieving all of the incidents

Once the incidents are loaded a source is added and then a layer rendered.

map.on("load", function() {
    //paint UserReports
    reportsApi.get().then(res => {
      const reports =;

      const data = => ({
        type: "Feature",
        geometry: e.location,

      map.addSource("reports", {
        type: "geojson",
        data: {
          type: "FeatureCollection",
          features: data
        id: "reports",
        type: "circle",
        source: "reports",
        paint: {
          // make circles larger as the user zooms from z12 to z22
          "circle-radius": {
            base: 1.75,
            stops: [
              [12, 2],
              [22, 180]
          "circle-color": [
            ["get", "incident"],
          "circle-opacity": 0.5

The same logic is applied to render each bike on the map. Only this time we only retrieve the user's registered bikes.

The last added feature is a heat map, if you zoom out you'll see it 🤓


The layout was designed with mobile in mind, managing to make it as responsive as possible without media-queries.

That being said, the design has much more range to be improved!


We had to develop a couple of APIs to give the possibility to render the bike and report data on the front. Also, it can help to do more single-page animations in the future!

TODO (More work in the future 💪🏻)

  • Add mail confirmation services on register and password update feature. Also, it would be nice to implement two password input to check if it is correctly written.
  • The design can improve, making it more useful on desktop.
  • Talking of layout, the need for a light theme on daylight would be helpful!
  • To improve the UI more task can be rendered on a single page, eliminating the need of changing the route on the app

All of the ideas are welcome!


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A web app to control se reports of bike incidents



Language:JavaScript 58.7%Language:SCSS 25.2%Language:Handlebars 16.1%