ironfish / reactive-restaurant-student

Introduction to Reactive Programming

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Introduction to Reactive Progamming

Reactive Restaurant

Welcome to the Reactive Restaurant. Here you will delight in one of three fine seafoods: Akkacore, MahiPlay and KingScala and learn the basics of Reactive Progamming along the way. To achieve this, you will work through the series of exercises organized by topic as laid out in the Introduction to Reactive Programming slide deck.


This course is best suited for individuals that have knowledge of Scala as covered in our Fast Track to Scala course. You will also need access to the Internet and a computer with the following software installed:

How Students will Use Courseware

This courseware follows a multi-project sbt structure that contains the base code needed for working through the exercises. During each exercise, you will move to a new project, add code to solve the problem set, and when done will have a great reference for the basics of Akka. Central to each exercise is the RestaurantApp main class that you will modify and run to show you how things are progressing. We also include completed tests that you will run at the end of each exercise, so you can be sure your solution is correct.


This project does not provide a GUI so you will rely on an interactive sbt session for feedback. If you are new to sbt, that is okay, but there is a couple of commands you want to familiarize yourself with.

To load and start a sbt session, make sure you are in the reative-restaurant directory and type sbt in your terminal window.

$ sbt


To clean your current exercise, run the clean command from your sbt session. This will delete all generated files in the target directory.

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > clean


To compile your current exercise, run the compile command from your sbt session. This will compile the source in the src/main/scala directory.

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > compile


To reload your sbt session, run the reload command from your sbt session. This reloads the build definitions, build.sbt, project/*.scala and project/*.sbt files. Reloading is a requirement if you change the build definition files.

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > reload


To view the instructions for the current exercises in your terminal window, run the man command from your sbt session. If you are using an IDE, you can also open up the exercises file in your workspace. You will notice that the prompt for each exercise contains a reminder [run the man command].

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > man


To test your current exercise, run the test command from your sbt session. This will compile and run all tests for the current exercise. Automated tests are your safeguard and validate whether or not you have completed the exercise successfully and are ready to move on.

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > test


To move to and initialize the next exercise, you will run the next command from your sbt session. The initialization process is known as grooming the project and occurs only once for each exercise. In addition to grooming the exercise, the eclipse project files will be generated.

Attention: It is critical that you complete the current exercise before moving to the next one. The only way to be sure, is by running the test command which is the final step of every exercise. The test command will confirm whether or not you have successfully completed the exercise and are ready to move on.

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > next

As part of each exercise, you will run the run command to bootstrap the main class RestaurantApp. This will start the application for the current exercise that you will interact with.

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > run


To go to the previous exercise, run the prev command.

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > prev


If you get stuck on any of the exercises, you can run the front command which overwrites your current work with the solution. Dont cheat! Try to complete the exercise first.

[run the man command] [001] some_exercise > front

Eclipse (Only if your IDE is Eclipse based)

If you are using Eclipse as your IDE, you will need to import each new project into Eclipse after running next. The instructions for each exercise contain a reminder to import the current exercise. Attention: Starting in exercise_001_implement_actor and beyond, it is crucial that you complete the current exercise before running next.

When importing an exercise into Eclipse make sure you always do the following:

  1. Close all open tabs in Eclipse.
  2. Collapse the current and completed exercise project folder.
  3. Select File > Import to run the Import Wizard and import the next exercise.

Additionally, you to make sure you have the following preferences checked under Preferences > General > Workspace:

  1. Build automatically
  2. Refresh using native hooks or polling
  3. Refresh on access
  4. Save automatically on build


  1. When you run sbt for the first time, you will be in the [run the man command] base > project.
  2. The first thing you will always do is run the man command and read the instructions for the current exercise.
  3. If you are using and IDE like Eclipse or Intellij now would be a good time to import the Restaurant project.
    • If you are using Eclipse you will see two projects to import, common and entry_state.
    • If you are using Intellij you will import all projects common through exercise_021_fsm.
  4. You will notice a nice reminder [run the man command] as part of the shell prompt in each exercise.
  5. At this point we are ready to move to the next exercise so run the next command.
  6. This will forward you to the [run the man command] common > project.
  7. Enjoy! Have fun and welcome to the world of Akka with Scala.


Introduction to Reactive Programming



Language:Scala 100.0%