iriselia / hgepp

A full rewrite of HGE engine using modern C++11, STL, bit of simple templates, Unicode support and possibly port to other platforms. API will remain similar but not identical to the original HGE.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is README for HGE library source reconfigured with CMake
For original readme file refer to Original_README.txt

This package is configured with CMakeLists.txt for use with CMake. Once ran,
CMake generates project files for one of known IDE's for Windows (as well as
Linux/Unix/MacOSX but this version of HGE only builds on Windows).

1. Edit CMakeLists.txt in root folder, set "DIRECTX_SDK_DIR" to where you have
    "DirectX SDK Summer 2004" installed (for DirectX8 build) and some other DirectX SDK for
    DirectX9 build. If you don't have it yet - visit Microsoft website or search google
    for "DirectX SDK Summer 2004" (~230 MB download) or some fresh DirectX 9 SDK (~year 2010,
    size ~550 MB).

2. Run cmake_msvs10_x86.bat for Visual Studio 2010 32bit build (or other bat file,
    depending what's your IDE).

3. Project directory will be created in HGE181/.build-%YOUR_IDE_VERSION% (for example
    HGE181/.build-msvs10), open project file (solution file) inside with your IDE and
    press "BUILD" in your IDE.

4. Resulting library HGE.DLL and HGE.LIB will be placed in HGE181/bin directory, all
    intermediate libraries will be placed in HGE181/linklib. There is also HGE-STATIC
    library which doesn't require DLL to run, it can be found in HGE181/linklib.

5. All temporary build files will stay inside .build-*. To clean intermediate files one
    should delete HGE181/linklib, HGE181/bin and HGE181/.build-* 

1. If you are going to change any build options, please keep in mind, that this is CMake
    generated project, editing anything inside .build-* folder will possibly be overwritten
    next time, when you compile HGE project. If you need to add any compiler options, please
    edit main or each CMakeLists.txt in HGE181 and HGE181/src/* folders (depending how big
    your changes are).

3. if you link against HGE-STATIC flavour of library, you don't need HGE.DLL anymore, all
    functionality remains ok. You need to mention ZLIB and HGELIBPNG in linker
    settings of your project for this to work. 


A full rewrite of HGE engine using modern C++11, STL, bit of simple templates, Unicode support and possibly port to other platforms. API will remain similar but not identical to the original HGE.
