MD Irfanul Kabir Hira's repositories
Heuristica || Perplexity || GammaAI || Consensus || Krisp || Incitefull || CloudeAI || Semantic Scholars || PaperGards || AfforAi || NapkinAi || Mapthis || NotebookLm || illuminate || MusicFX || Scispace
The Coffee Machine Game is a Python-based simulation of a coffee vending machine. It allows users to select drinks, insert coins, and manage resources like water and coffee while showcasing core programming concepts like functions and loops.
Spotify-Themed Music Player Website 🎵 This is a visually appealing, Spotify-themed music player website designed to stream and display a curated playlist. The site features a stylish user interface with a dark theme and minimalist design, creating an immersive music experience.
Hangman Game: A simple command-line implementation of the classic Hangman game. Guess the hidden word letter by letter before running out of lives! Features a visual hangman, real-time feedback, and a lives tracker.
Higher and Lower Game 🎲The Higher and Lower Game is a fun and interactive guessing game where players test their intuition by predicting whether the next number in the sequence will be higher or lower. With simple mechanics and engaging gameplay, this game challenges your decision-making skills while keeping the experience
I personally follow this way when reviewing the whole Python language.
This project focuses on predicting car prices based on various features using machine learning techniques, with a particular emphasis on Decision Tree regression. It is a comprehensive workflow that demonstrates the entire process of building a predictive model, from data preparation to model evaluation.
This project analyzes heart failure clinical data and builds ML models to predict death events. Tasks include EDA, visualizations, preprocessing, and applying models like Logistic Regression, KNN, and Decision Tree. Models are evaluated using metrics and tuned for performance, offering insights for healthcare decision-making.
Music Store Using SCL || Pizza Sales Using SQL
Calculator app || Registration Pannel || SQL lite Database Connection || Wev view ||Constrain Layout || wev veiw app
Power Rule || Constant Multiple Rulde || Sum Rule || Product Rule || Partial Derivative with Respect to X || Partial Derivative with Respect to y || Quatient Rule || Chain Rule
Univeristy Lab Report
This repository contains Excel-related projects aimed at enhancing data organization, analysis, and visualization. The project demonstrates various Excel functions, formatting techniques, and data manipulation strategies
Check Linear or Non Linear ->|| Co-relation them ->|| Linear Regression (For Short Datasets) || Gradeint Descent (For Big Datasets) || --> For NonLinear ( Apply Polinomial Regression ) || For Outfit or Multiple Features --> ( Apply Regularaization ) ||
From a Dictionary , i have Made a Quiz project there the examiner will know his/her Right or Wrong answer