ircmaxell / php-preprocessor

A PreProcessing library for PHP

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PHP PreProcessor

What is this? It was an attempt at pre-processing of include/require'd files in PHP.

TLDR: Just use

How does it work

Dark magic and voodoo. Don't worry about it

Included Transformations

  • Json - For including .json files

    This transformation will let you load json files by simply calling $data = require 'path/to/data.json';. The $data that's returned is automatically parsed.

  • Yaml - For including .yaml files

    This transformation will automatically load yaml files for you.

How to enable

Create a base PHP file to declare your included transformations.


use PhpPreprocessor\PreProcessor;

Then, to enable parsing of .json files with the Json transformation, add it to the preprocessor

    ->addTransform('json', new PhpPreprocessor\Transform\Json);

You can add multiple transforms together:

    ->addTransform('json', new PhpPreprocessor\Transform\Json)
    ->addTransform('yaml', new PhpPreprocessor\Transform\Yaml);

Finally, define an autoload file in your composer.json:

"autoload": {
    "files": [

Now, just use it!

Important Notes

  • You can only install one transformation per file extension. Additional or redeclarations will result in an exception.

  • You can declare a "global" transformation that will be run on all included files (after a prior transformation is run if matched). Use the PreProcessor::EXT_ALL constant in place of an extension.

To Save Runtime Cost

All of this parsing happens at runtime, which can be expensive. This is useful for development, but what about production?

You can pre-process your codebase using the cli tool preprocessor. This will rewrite every file with a matching processer extension (and php files) using the transforms and move them into a new build directory. Non-matching files are copied into the new directory without processing.

A token is included in the processed file <?php '🧙'; to prevent re-processing of the file in a production environment.

$ vendor/bin/preprocessor build srcDir destDir

You can also specify a "boot file" which declares the transforms as a third argument:

$ vendor/bin/preprocessor build srcDir destDir srcDir/path/to/boot.php

How do I build transformations?

Simply build a class that implements the PhpPreprocessor\Transform interface:

use PhpPreprocessor\Transform;
class MyTransform implements Transform {
    public function transform(string $data): string


The transform method will be called for every matched file, with the $data parameter containing the included file contents.

The returned string MUST be valid PHP code.

Pre vs Post Parsing

Json is a good example of the tradeoffs of parsing location. Should you parse the JSON in the transformation and export the result, or should you render the parsing code. The Json transform does both optionally.

The reason this is important is because of error handling. The Yaml parser throws an exception on invalid YAML. Using Transform::PREPROCESS means that the exception will happen when building (if you're using the build tool). Using Transform::POSTPROCESS will always have the exception occur in the require call.


  • Loading mechanism was heavily inspired and partially derived by Patchwork
  • Also heavily dependent and derived from Php-Parser...

Status of the project

Right now, it's just a proof-of-concept. Because of that, use if you want similar functionality...


A PreProcessing library for PHP


Language:PHP 99.6%Language:Makefile 0.4%