irazasyed / video-downloader

Video Downloader for Facebook.

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Video Downloader

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Video Downloader Package for Facebook. Automatically generates download links for HD and SD quality & lets you download them. Comes with Laravel Support out of the Box!


Via Composer

$ composer require irazasyed/video-downloader


getVideoInfo Method:

Get Video Info By Video ID:

$downloader = new Irazasyed\VideoDownloader\Factory('facebook');
$videoInfo = $downloader->getVideoInfo('10154015752566729');

Get Video Info By URL:

$videoUrl = '';


Example Response:

$response = [
  "title" => "Facebook" // Video Title if exists, Page Title otherwise.
  "description" => "Is seeing the world on your mind?" // Video Caption
  "owner" => "Facebook" // Uploader Name
  "created_time" => "1441004460" // Unix Time
  "hd_link" => "<HD MP4 LINK>"
  "sd_link" => "<SD MP4 LINK>"

Supported URL Types (HTTP/HTTPS):

Download Method:

$isAsyncRequest = true;
$downloader->download('Remote_File_URL', '/path/to/destination/filename.mp4', $isAsyncRequest);

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



This project and its author is neither associated, nor affiliated with Facebook in anyway. Use of this project is at your own risk and subject to the license of this project. This is simply an experimental project. It is highly recommended to go through the Automated Data Collection Terms of Facebook & the License section of this project for more information.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.