A collection of python scripts for drawing beautiful figures or animating interesting algorithms in mathematics.
This repository will be always under construction since there are too many interesting things in math that can be shown by code. Pull requests, issues, questions, and suggestions are all welcomed!
- Mandelbrot Set
- Julia Set
- Domino Shuffling Algorithm Animation
- Icosahedral Kaleidoscope
- Newton Fractal
- The E8 Pattern
- The Modular Group
- Generalized Penrose Tilings
- Wilson's Uniform Spanning Tree Algorithm Animation
- Reaction-Diffusion Simulation
- The 120-cell
- Lorenz Attractor Animation
- 2D Hyperbolic Tilings
- 3D Hyperbolic Honeycombs
Mandelbrot 集 [Code]
Julia 集 [Code]
反应扩散方程模拟 [Code] [Doc] [Video] [Video with Text]
Poincare 双曲铺砌 [Code]
双曲蜂巢 [Code]
Python libs:
, matplotlib
, scipy
, cairo
, palettable
, tqdm
, numba
, pyglet
, vapory
, FFmpeg
, POV-Ray