iqfareez / recase

Recase with my modification

Repository from Github https://github.comiqfareez/recaseRepository from Github https://github.comiqfareez/recase


My changes

  • Optimize Title Case
    • Roman character UPPERCASE
    • Reserved keywords UPPERCASE
    • English preposition lowercase
    • Fix issue where character after parenthesis is not capitalized in Title Case


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Open file lib/recase.dart.
  3. Modify the entry in _englishSpecialTerm function. The list contains English prepositions that should be lowercase all the time, except when it is located at the beginning of a sentence.
  4. Or, modify the words in _reservedWords function. It is the phrase that has always been capitalized. Eg: IT.
  5. romanNumerals. Roman numerals. I guess no need to add too many numbers in this entry. However, if it is needede, feel free to do so.
  6. Use online tools like to verify the Title Case.
  7. Run test in test/recase_test.dart (Only the Title Case group).
  8. Open a PR for your fixes.

Changes the case of the input text to the desire case convention.

import 'package:recase/recase.dart';

void main() {
  ReCase rc = new ReCase('Just_someSample-text');

  print(rc.camelCase); // Prints 'justSomeSampleText'
  print(rc.constantCase); // Prints 'JUST_SOME_SAMPLE_TEXT'

String extensions are also available.

import 'package:recase/recase.dart';

void main() {
  String sample = 'Just_someSample-text';

  print(sample.camelCase); // Prints 'justSomeSampleText'
  print(sample.constantCase); // Prints 'JUST_SOME_SAMPLE_TEXT'

This feature is available in version 3.0.0, and requires at least Dart 2.6


  • snake_case
  • path/case
  • param-case
  • PascalCase
  • Header-Case
  • Title Case
  • camelCase
  • Sentence case


Recase with my modification

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Dart 100.0%