ipyana / Annadata

An application that provides complete assistance to farmers right from sowing to harvesting. Its features include plant disease detection, crop recommendation, real-time API support for environment analysis, detailed crop-cost analysis, buy/sell/rent farming equipment and an interactive farmers' community.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Annadata is a full-stack cross-platform application that provides complete assistance to farmers right from sowing to harvesting. Some of its features are

🎯 Using ML technology for plant disease detection from image and recommending crops to grow based on farmer's location

🎯 Real-time information about soil fertility, weed risk, fire alert, weather forecast, and air quality to make the right farming decisions

🎯 Detailed cost analysis of growing crop explaining investment required and potential revenue generated along with suggesting other income sources

🎯 Option to buy/sell/rent farming equipment

🎯 Farmers' community section having chat option, video upload, QnA, and many more other features to make our platform interactive


To install all frontend dependencies, backend dependencies and concurrently. Run

npm run install-all

To start backend and frontend server. Run

npm run dev

Tech stack used


An application that provides complete assistance to farmers right from sowing to harvesting. Its features include plant disease detection, crop recommendation, real-time API support for environment analysis, detailed crop-cost analysis, buy/sell/rent farming equipment and an interactive farmers' community.


Language:JavaScript 80.0%Language:Python 14.5%Language:CSS 4.3%Language:HTML 0.8%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Procfile 0.0%